Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Pilihan Saham Hibrida

Bagaimana stok Hybrids Bluegill di kolam kecil Bluegill Hybrid adalah spesies ikan besar untuk ditebar di kolam kecil. Tingkat stok yang tinggi, cepat tumbuh, mudah ditangkap dan mereka menerima pakan buatan manusia dengan mudah membuat Hybrid Bluegill menjadi ikan besar (Bluegill) untuk kolam kecil. Penyalahgunaan, kesalahpahaman dan mendengar mengatakan telah memberi bluegill hybrid namanya buruk. Bluegill hybrid telah diberi nama yang buruk karena reproduksinya kembali ke sunfish hijau dan penyalahgunaannya. FAKTA, ikan ini tampil megah di kolam kecil yang tidak banyak diminati seperti bluegill biasa dan reproduksinya kembali ke sunfish hijau dapat dikendalikan dengan menambahkan bass. Hybrid Bluegill memiliki mulut dan kereta yang besar dengan mudah untuk pakan ikan komersial. Bluegill hibrida tumbuh pada tingkat fenomenal pada pakan komersial. Mereka akan memukul umpan buatan serta jangkrik, cacing, dll dan sangat esai untuk ditangkap. Satu-satunya menarik kembali ke ikan ini adalah bahwa mereka harus persediaan di kolam kecil tanpa bluegill lain. Bass harus ditambahkan untuk menghentikan reproduksi dan program pemberian makanan yang baik harus ada. Bass tidak boleh dipancing. Mereka harus ditinggalkan untuk menghentikan reproduksi hibrida. Mintalah ahli biologi ikan dan mereka akan mengatakan jika Anda mengumpulkan bluegill hibrida di kolam kecil dengan bass dan tidak ada bluegill lainnya dan menambahkan program pemberian makanan yang baik untuk ikan terbaik. Faktanya, bluegill hibrida hanyalah satu dari dua spesies ikan yang bisa ditebar dengan sukses di kolam kecil (kurang dari satu hektar). Jika Anda menyukai bluegill besar untuk ditangkap dan dimakan dan memiliki kolam kecil, Hybrid Bluegill adalah ikan yang akan ditumis. Kolam kecil (kurang dari satu hektar) terbatas pada jenis ikan yang bisa Anda stok dengan ikan. Di lobang A. S. selatan dan Bluegill Hybrid akan dilakukan dengan baik di kolam kecil. Beberapa aturan yang harus Anda ikuti untuk menebar Hybrid Bluegill Jangan stok hibrida di kolam yang mengandung ikan lain, dan jangan sekali-kali memasukkannya ke dalam kombinasi dengan spesies ikan air tawar lainnya. Jangan stok hibrida di kolam lebih dari satu hektar. Kolam di atas acre paling baik digunakan sebagai kolam Bass dan Bluegill. Program pemberian makanan yang baik harus dilaksanakan karena tingkat stok yang tinggi (kolam tidak dapat memasok makanan yang cukup untuk hibrida karena tingginya tingkat stoking). Bass harus ditambahkan untuk menjaga agar reproduksi tetap bertahan. Bass tidak boleh dipancing dan harus dibiarkan masuk Rasio Bass terhadap Hybrids Bluegill Rasio 15 hibrida terhadap 1 bass sangat diinginkan. Karena itu, harga tebar 1.500 hibrida per hektar dan 100 bass per hektarnya sangat baik. Bass harus ditambahkan untuk mengontrol reproduksi kembali ke sunfish hijau. Bass tertinggal dan tidak digosok. Aku mengambil bass di 15 inci dan lebih. Bass harus kecil dan lapar menjaga agar tambak bersih dari reproduksi apapun yang akan terjadi. Pertumbuhan dan konversi pakan yang lebih baik dapat diperoleh dengan pakan protein 36 persen meskipun harganya sedikit lebih banyak dan tidak selalu tersedia. Sebagian besar toko pakan bisa memesan khusus pakan ini. Waspadalah terhadap pakan ikan murah. Ini bisa memakan biaya lebih banyak dalam jangka panjang dengan kenaikan berat ikan yang buruk. 36 persen pakan protein harus rata-rata 2 pon pakan untuk satu lb. keuntungan ikan (pertumbuhan). Panduan praktis adalah memberi makan semua pakan yang akan dikonsumsi ikan dalam kurun waktu 15 sampai 20 menit dan menyesuaikan jumlahnya saat ikan tumbuh. Saya menggunakan pengumpan ikan untuk memberi makan kolam Bluegill hibrida saya sendiri dan menyesuaikan jumlah pakan sesuai kebutuhan. Anda harus mengisi kembali dengan hibrida saat Anda mengambil ikan untuk mempertahankan kolam Bluegill hibrida. Pemilik kolam harus mencatat jumlah hibrida yang dikeluarkan dan berencana untuk mengisi ulang jumlah yang sama setahun yang sama. Bass harus tetap kecil untuk mengisi kembali. Anda perlu mengisi ulang dengan Hybrid Bluegill berukuran 3-4 inci atau lebih besar. Bluegill hibrida bukan untuk semua orang. Hibrida tidak sesuai untuk semua situasi tambak, dan stok ikan ini ke perairan dimana karakteristik yang diinginkannya tidak dapat dikembangkan hampir akan menghasilkan pemilik tambak yang kecewa. Hybrid Bluegill tidak bisa ditaruh di kolam dengan Bluegill lain atau di kolam dimana bluegill lain bisa masuk ke kolam dengan Hybrida. Jika Anda memiliki kolam di dekat kolam renang hibrida, stok Hybrid Bluegill. Jika Anda tidak ingin memberi makan ikan, hadiahkan Hybrid. Tingkat stoking Hybrid Bluegills mensyaratkan program pemberian makan yang baik. Anda ingin kolam bass. Bass ditambahkan untuk menjaga reproduksi Bluegill Hybrid agar tidak bertahan lama. Bass harus ditinggalkan dan bukan ikan atau dibawa keluar. Kolam yang ada yang belum terbunuh dengan rotonone. Setiap kolam yang ditebar dengan Hybrid Bluegill harus bebas dari bluegill lainnya. Stok donlot17 Hibrida di kolam di atas acre. Kolam di atas acre paling baik digunakan sebagai kolam Bass - Bluegill. Studi menunjukkan tentang Studi Hybrid82308230 menunjukkan bahwa mereka lebih mudah ditangkap daripada Bluegill biasa dan spesies ikan lainnya, dan mereka tidak menjadi pemalu. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pertumbuhan hibrida Bluegill dapat hampir dua kali lipat dengan pemberian makanan tambahan dengan pakan pelet lele yang baik. Studi menunjukkan hibrida Bluegill tidak steril. Studi menunjukkan hibrida Bluegill paling cocok untuk kolam kecil dimana reproduksi mereka bisa dikendalikan. Studi telah menunjukkan rasa hibrida sama dengan Bluegill lainnya. Selidiki semua opsi stocking Pemilik lahan pertanian bijak akan menyelidiki semua opsi stok sebelum membuat keputusan tentang kombinasi ikan jenis apa yang akan digunakan. Kegagalan banyak tambak yang ditebar dengan Bluegill hibrida bukan karena ikan, tapi tidak tahu bagaimana cara menyimpan ikan dan tidak menggunakan ikan sebaik-baiknya. Kolam dan danau adalah sumber air yang paling berharga. Ini bisa membantu dengan perlindungan kebakaran dan menarik banyak spesies satwa liar. Namun, salah satu fungsi yang paling menyenangkan adalah menyediakan banyak jam pengalaman memancing untuk seluruh keluarga dan teman. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang salep ikan hibrida Bluegill atau hubungi Suttle Fish Farm dan mintalah Dan Terima kasih telah berkunjung. Dikembangkan Oleh: Dan Suttle Hak Cipta kopi Suttle Fish FarmMassachusetts RV Dealer Ragam Besar, Seleksi amp Kenyamanan untuk Kenyamanan Berbelanja Anda Ragam Besar, Seleksi Kenyamanan untuk Kesenangan Belanja Anda Kebanggaan Flagg RV berasal dari kenyataan menjadi keluarga yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan mendominasi bisnis. Industri RV selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Keluarga Flagg memiliki kesempatan untuk melayani masyarakat dan memperluas dealernya untuk menjadi salah satu penyedia layanan dan penjualan RV utama di negara bagian New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont dan Maine. Dengan inventori bernilai mendekati 15 juta pada persediaan baru dan pra-persediaan, ini memberikan kesempatan kepada Flagg untuk dapat menjual produk kami dengan harga diskon yang terjangkau. Kunjungi salah satu lokasi kami, dan Anda akan menemukan banyak Produsen Top di Industri. Produk kami meliputi: Beberapa Pabrik RV Paling Populer: Volume Membeli Great Pricing Sebagai pemimpin berpengalaman dalam Industri RV, daya beli Flagg RV memungkinkan harga satu-of-a-kind bagi pelanggan kami melalui praktik pembelian dalam volume. Ini hanyalah salah satu dari sekian banyak aspek filosofi bisnis keluarga Flagg yang memisahkan kita dari kompetisi. Layanan yang Luar Biasa, Seleksi Hebat, Kepuasan Pelanggan Tidak ada pelanggan yang menemukan staf yang lebih berdedikasi terhadap prinsip-prinsip dasar ini daripada di Flagg RV. Dengan bangga berbicara tentang rata-rata tingkat bisnis mengulangi rata-rata selama 10 tahun terakhir. Tanyakan saja pada salah satu pembeli yang puas terakhir kami. Pelanggan merasa nyaman segera setelah mereka menginjak properti karena suasana keluarga yang ramah, apakah mereka ingin membeli atau membutuhkan layanan yang dilakukan di unit mereka. Keluarga Flagg berusaha untuk memastikan bahwa semua pelanggan kami meninggalkan bahagia dan kami tahu bahwa kami tidak dapat melakukannya tanpa membangun hubungan kejujuran dan integritas sebagai dealer. Etika kerja Flagg, kesabaran dengan pelanggan, dan komitmen terhadap layanan hebat adalah apa yang telah membangun kepercayaan dan penghargaan terhadap Flagg RV. Untuk apa yang terbaik untuk keluarga Anda di RVing datanglah melihat keluarga kami akan senang Anda melakukannya. Januari 2017 Berita Subaru, Ulasan dan Artikel, Pembaruan, Acara, Komentar benar-benar 100 situs resmi yang tidak resmi yang tidak disetujui. Info selalu dapat berubah, koreksi, perbarui gt klik untuk halaman web Tingkat Keuangan gt untuk NW Puget Sound, area Seattle hanya pembiayaannya melalui SubaruChase tanpa penalti di muka, tidak ada biaya pinjaman, tidak ada biaya pembelian, atas persetujuan kredit. Berita dan perubahan untuk Januari 4-31, 2017 mengumumkan 4 Januari 2017 Tidak ada perubahan untuk suku bunga Januari meskipun kenaikan suku bunga Fed sedikit dan kurangnya persediaan Subaru setelah Desembers booming penjualan Subaru baru mempromosikan l memudahkan pada Forester 2.5 Limited, Impreza Sport 4 pintu dan 5 pintu, dan semua model Legacy 2016 disewakan berakhir Dealer dimotivasi untuk bergerak. Sewa. Forester 2.5 Limited, Impreza Sport 4 pintu dan 5 pintu, dan semua model Legacy Any Legacy. Meskipun pasokan telah turun seperti yang direncanakan, masih ada 0x60 bulan dan insentif dealer (area NW) untuk sewa dengan harga rendah. S upply ketat pada 2017 suku Crosstreks, Forester with Eyesight, dan Forester and Outback Touring Finance, area NW, atas persetujuan kredit. 2017 model Pedalaman 0x24-36-48 bulan. 90x60-63, 1,90x72 bulan Forester 0x24-36-48 bulan. 90x60-63, 1.90x72 bulan Crosstrek 1,90x24-36-48 bulan, 2,90x60-63-72 bulan Impreza 1,90x24-36-48 bulan, 2,49x60-63-72 bulan Warisan 0x24-36-48-60-63 bulan , 1.90x72 bulan WRX, STI 2,90 x 24-36-48-60-63 bulan Model BRZ 1.90x 24-36-48 mos, 2.49x60-63-72 bulan 2016 (jika ada masih tersedia) Forester 0 x 24- 36-48, mos .90 x60-63 mos, 1.90x72 mos Outback 0 x 24-36-48, mos. 90 x60-63 mos, 1.90x72 mos Legacy 0 x 24-36-48-60-63 mos, 1.90x72 mos WRX, STI 2,90 x 24-36-48-60-63 bulan Crosstrek 1,49 24-36-48 mos, 1,90 x 60-63 mos, 2,49x72mos Impreza 1,49 24-36-48mos, 1,90 x 60-63-72mos BRZ 1,49 24-36-48mos, 1,90x60-63-72 mos gt Tarif sewa - tersedia pada semua 2017, dan Desember Adalah bulan terakhir untuk menyewakan sisa 2016 BRZ, Impreza atau Crosstrek. Gt Kalkulator Pembayaran I GTP Guaranteed Trade Value - cara mudah untuk menukar Subaru gtFind Anda dengan dealer Subaru Alabama-Montana Nebraska - Wyoming Kanada M exico. Berita dan update dealer ingin. Gt Beli Subaru di ShorelineNorth Seattle atau NW yang lebih besar. Harga diskon Ive telah menjual Subarus sejak tahun 1996. gt Memiliki Subaru Mendapatkan Subaru Badge of Ownership gt Navigation peta update model 2012newer dengan navigasi dapat membeli update. 2016 dan 2017 model navigasi mendapatkan 3 tahun update gratis SubaruMapUpdates Situs web ini dibuat dan dikelola oleh Joe Spitz. Saya telah menjual Subarus di Shoreline (N. Seattle), Puget Sound dan wilayah Northwest yang lebih besar sejak tahun 1996. Jika Anda berada di manapun di wilayah ini (termasuk Idaho, Montana, California, Oregon, Alaska) dan membeli Subaru, telepon dan mari kita bicara tentang apa maumu. Catatan - situs penelitian Subaru yang tidak resmi dan tidak resmi ini dirancang untuk membantu Anda belajar tentang Subarus. Its tidak berwenang, disetujui, disponsori, atau didukung dengan cara apapun oleh Subaru atau dealer Subaru di mana saja. Komentar dan tautan telah diedit dan dirangkum. Semua info bisa berubah, koreksi, sering update. Komentar, tip, dan koreksi disambut dan dihargai. Terima kasih telah berkunjung. Tidak ada iklan berbayar disini. Jika Anda suka dan menggunakan situs ini, tolong bantu sebarkan kabar tersebut dan sebutkan Cars101 online, beritahu teman. Berita Subaru, Review, Artikel, Pembaruan, Tautan, Acara, Foto, Komentar saran, cerita, tips menyambut info kontak atau telepon 206 769-7821 Saya lebih banyak berita 1417 132 mobil. Jumlah mobil Subaru mengalahkan target 2016 mereka dari 615.000 di tahun ini. 2016 total 615.132. Tahun ke-9 dari tahun ke tahun meningkat 2015 total 582.675 2016 merupakan tahun yang sangat besar bagi Subaru. Tahun terbaik mereka yang pernah ada 615.132 adalah peningkatan 32.457 mobil (6) sepanjang tahun 2015 total 582.675 Bagaimana mereka melakukannya Crossover sangat populer dan itulah yang dikenal oleh Subaru - Outback, Forester, Crosstrek, dan 5 pintu Imprezas. Dan pemasaran berbasis emosi (anjing, anak-anak tumbuh dewasa, kenangan indah dll), tingkat keuangan agresif (0) dan program sewa, dan harga diskon dealer. Total penjualan Desember 63.177, rekor baru satu bulan, dan 6 bulan berturut-turut di atas 50.000 Pedalaman 20.695 mobil, rekor satu bulan baru untuk model apapun. Naik 4628 mobil (29) lebih dari 16,067 Des 2015 Forester 18.015 mobil, Naik 1218 mobil (7) di atas 16.797 Desember 2015 Crosstrek 10.299 mobil, Sebuah rekor penjualan bulanan Crosstrek. Naik 2139 mobil (26) lebih dari 8090 Des 2015 Legacy 5960, naik 201 mobil (3) lebih dari 5759 Des 2015 Impreza 5126 mobil, turun 933 mobil (-15) dari 6059 Des 2-15 WRX, IMS 2938 mobil, turun 151 mobil ( -5) di bawah 3080 Des 2015 BRZ 214 mobil, turun 199 mobil (-48) di bawah 413 Des 2015 2016 total penjualan Peduli 182.898 mobil, naik 30.604 mobil (20) lebih dari 152.294 mobil 2015 Forester 178.593 mobil. Naik 3401 mobil (2) lebih dari 175.192 mobil 2015 Crosstrek 95.677 mobil. Naik 6750 (8) di atas 88927 2015 Legacy 65,30, naik 4859 mobil (8) di atas 60447 2015 Impreza 55.238, turun 11.547 (-17) di bawah 66785 2016 WRX, STI 33279, turun 455 mobil (-1) di bawah 33734 2015 BRZ 4141, turun 1155 mobil (-22) di bawah 5296 2015 Penjual teratas tahun ini adalah Outback dengan 182.898 mobil, yang 4305 lebih banyak dari Forester (178.593). Forester mungkin telah menjual lebih banyak tapi dengan begitu banyak model, Option Packages, dan colors (117 pilihan), persediaan menjadi masalah. Datang di belakang Outback dan Forester adalah Crosstrek. Carilah peningkatan penjualan saat model 2018 yang telah diupgrade tersedia akhir musim panas ini atau awal musim gugur. Impreza 2017 yang didesain ulang sekarang tersedia dengan sistem audio Android Auto dan Apple Carplay (cari model model 2018 yang banyak, namun tidak seluruhnya, 2018). 123016 Share the Love Event berakhir pada tanggal 3 Januari 2017 122316 pada 1221 Subaru memecahkan rekor 600.000 dan melewati total total penjualan 2015 dengan 11 hari lagi untuk pergi dalam tahun kalender Subaru mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah menetapkan rekor penjualan kedelapan berturut-turut menjelang Akhir tahun tutup pada 3 Januari dengan menjual 582.675 kendaraan per 21 Desember. Pembuat mobil telah lama berujung sukses penjualan dengan penjualan berturut-turut meningkat sejak tahun 2009. Dengan Impreza yang baru 2017 yang diupgrade menciptakan buzz, pembiayaan pada model yang paling populer (Pedalaman dan Forester), dan harga invoice yang sangat agresif. , Subaru mengendarai 2016 lagi. 12816 2017 penuh warna Impreza brosur tiba di dealer. 2 5pgs 12216 November penjualan 51308 untuk bulan ini meningkat 5.238 mobil (11) lebih dari bulan November 2015 Bulan ke 60 bulan penjualan bulanan meningkat di bulan yang sama tahun sebelumnya. Thats 5 tahun penjualan bulanan meningkat 33 bulan penjualan lebih dari 40.000 mobil dan 5 bulan berturut-turut dengan penjualan lebih dari 50.000 YTD 551.955, meningkat 25.554 mobil (5) di atas 526.401 YTD 2015 Itu berarti Subaru ingin menjual 63.045 mobil pada bulan Desember untuk mencapai tujuan mereka. Dari 615.000 mobil untuk tahun ini November 2016 penjualan Outback adalah penjual teratas untuk bulan ini dan untuk tahun ini dengan 162.203 YTD The Forester adalah 2 untuk bulan ini dan untuk tahun ini dengan 160,578 YTD Crosstreks terus mendapatkan penggemar sebagai mobil ukuran baik perkotaan sekalipun Ruang belakang yang dibulatkan dan kargo ketat membuatnya terlalu kecil untuk keluarga, pemilik anjing besar, dan pengguna aktif Impreza 2016 cukup banyak terjual habis, dengan jumlah yang baru, yang dihuni AS (Lafayette) 2017s karena bulan ini dan diperkirakan akan menjual sekitar 6000 -8000 per bulan sekali produksi sampai dengan kecepatan. BRZ pincang dan hampir tidak ada ketersediaan. Paket Kinerja (tersedia pada bulan Maret 2017) akan membantu mempertahankan model ini selama 6 bulan lagi. Pedalaman 17.769, 4690 mobil (36) lebih dari 13.079 November 2015. YTD 162,203, naik 25976 mobil (19) selama YTD 2015 137,227 Forester 14,596, 941 mobil (7) lebih dari 13.655 November 2015. YTD 160.578, naik 2183 mobil (1) lebih YTD 2015 158,395 Crosstrek 8,271, 1485 mobil (22) lebih dari 6786 November 2015. YTD 85,448, naik 4611 mobil (6) mendekati YTD 2015 80837 Impreza 2.032, -2892 (-59) di bawah 4924 Nov 2015. YTD 50112, turun 10.614 mobil ( -17) di bawah YTD 2015 60726 Legacy 5.814, 1045 mobil (22) lebih dari 4769 November 2015. YTD 59,346, naik 4658 mobil (9) selama YTD 2015 52688 BRZ 235, -141 mobil (-38) di bawah 376 November 2015. YTD 3927 , Turun 956 mobil (-20) di bawah YTD 2015 4883 12116 Desember suku bunga khusus sama dengan bulan November, tidak ada perubahan, melalui 1316 112816 1998 Foto foto impreza 2.5RS foto dari Rally Blue Pearl 1998 yang sangat bersih dan asli 1998 Impreza 2.5RS 2 Pintu dengan hanya 21.800 mil 1998 Impreza 2.5RS halaman foto 112316 Crosstrek Premium dengan Option Pkg 15 Special Edition production telah berakhir. Subaru menegaskan bahwa produksi murni merah atau kristal hitam Premium Pkg 15 Special Edition telah berakhir dan tidak ada lagi yang akan diproduksi. Mereka tersedia di dealer. Kabarnya itu hanya 2000 mobil total warna merah dan hitam. Tahun lalu itu 1500, semua merah murni. Ini hanya Edisi Khusus Premium Pkg 15, semua Crosstreks lainnya berlanjut. 112116 2017 Tarif Impreza mengumumkan 1.90x24-36-48 bulan, 2.49x60-63-72 bulan mobil masih diharapkan Desember 111416 2017 Transmisi manual Impreza sekarang dapat dipesan untuk pengiriman bulan Februari Model manual adalah basis Impreza 2.0i 4 pintu dan 5 pintu Dan semua pintu Impreza Sport 4 baru dan 5 pintu yang dilengkapi dengan shifter buang pendek pabrik, suspensi sport tuned, 18 alloy, led fog lights dll. Ini adalah model pintu Sport 5 baru dan tidak menjadi bingung dengan 2016 dan sebelumnya Sports. , Dan tidak dilengkapi dengan roof rail. Dan merupakan model sport 4 pintu pertama. 1110- 1113 2016 Seattle Auto Coupon, dan test drive Impreza 2017 Membeli Subaru baru dalam 90 hari ke depan Ke Seattle Auto Show kemarin melalui Minggu 1113 ini dan masukkan nama dan info Anda di kios di layar Subaru dan Subaru Akan mengirimkan kupon diskon Saya mengerti untuk 500 - tapi tidak ada janji pada jumlah tersebut. Dan untuk beberapa alasan tidak berlaku di Impreza 2017 namun berlaku untuk semua model lainnya. Berakhirnya kupon adalah 90 hari (3 bulan) sehingga nilainya layak dilakukan untuk menghemat 500. Saat Anda memasukkan info Anda, periksa kotak jangan kontak atau Anda akan mendapatkan email. Dan ada Impreza 2017 yang tersedia untuk diuji coba di pameran mobil, jadi jika Anda mempertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan satu peluang untuk mengemudi satu bulan sebelum mereka tiba di dealer. Orang yang mengirimi saya bagian atas kupon mereka (bagian kupon yang lebih rendah tidak ditunjukkan di sini) tertarik dengan Crosstrek, tapi ini adalah model yang Anda pilih kecuali 17 Impreza. Pastikan untuk mencetak dan membawa seluruh kupon ke dealer saat Anda mendapatkan mobil Anda. Edisi terbaru Consumer Reports (edisi Desember) memiliki studi keandalan produsen mobil tahunan dan Subaru turun dari posisi 5 ke posisi 11 di bawah Honda (10). Di bagian atas adalah Lexus dan Toyota, maka secara mengejutkan Buick adalah 3, disusul Audi, Kia, dan Mazda. Perhatikan bahwa CR menggunakan sistem penilaian baru dengan grafis dan warna yang sedikit sulit untuk diuraikan dan dilihat dibandingkan dengan yang lama. Edisi Desember juga mengulas keseluruhan banyak ide hadiah Natal, dan dapur, rumah, peralatan teknologi dan gadget elektronik. Informasi yang selalu bagus untuk para pembelanja dan periset dan Anda bisa membeli majalah di toko buku lokal Anda, atau berlangganan online pada consumerreports. org 11316 harga keuangan November tetap sama seperti bulan Oktober dengan 0 berlanjut pada 2017 Outback, Forester and Legacy. The 2017 Crosstreks memperkirakan bulan ini (November) Oktober penjualan total 53.760, kenaikan 4 dari 51.629 Oktober 2015 Subarus top 3 adalah Outback, Forester, dan Crosstrek, dan ya mereka semua model gerobak. Outback adalah penjual besar bulan ini dengan kenaikan 22 di atas 2015 menjadi 18.008. Forester adalah 2 dan telah dalam persediaan ketat sejak penjualan Agustus yang besar pada tahun 19,658. Crosstreks terus terjual habis. Subaru berhitung di 2017 Impreza untuk melakukannya tahun depan. Pintu ke 5 akan populer tapi mereka berharap sedan itu bisa melaju. Subaru belum pernah punya sedan bervolume tinggi. Untuk saat ini, pasokan 2016 Imprezas sangat rendah. Total YTD adalah 500.647, yang meninggalkan tujuan 615.000 dalam jangkauan. Penjualan Oktober menurut model Pedalaman 18.008, meningkat 3279 mobil (22) di atas 14729 1015. YTD 144,434 (2015 YTD 123,148) Forester 15330, meningkat 158 ​​mobil (1) di atas 15172 1015. YTD 145,982 (2015 YTD 144,470) Crosstrek 8367 , Meningkat 1054 mobil (14) di atas 7313 115. YTD 77,177 (2015 YTD 74,051) Legacy 6137, meningkat 448 mobil (8) di atas 5688 1015. YTD 53,532 (2015 YTD 49,919) Impreza 3010, penurunan 2.300 mobil (-44) dari 5340 1015. YTD 48,080 (2015 YTD 55,802) WRX, STI 2579, penurunan 434 mobil (-14) dari 3013 1015. YTD 27,750 (2015 YTD 28,164) BRZ 330, penurunan 44 mobil (- 12) dari 374 1015. YTD 3,692 (2015 YTD 28,164) 1018 2017 Impreza spesifikasi dan rincian yang tersedia Perintah pabrik akan diterima mulai Senin 102416 untuk pengiriman pada bulan Desember 2016. Perintah transmisi manual akan dimulai pada bulan Desember dengan pengiriman pada bulan Februari 2017, dan manualnya adalah Bahkan tersedia dengan moonroof opsional, audio HarmanKardon yang telah diupgrade, dan paket Spot Detection Blind Ada banyak perubahan dan Fitur baru termasuk Android Auto standar dan Apple Carplay pada semua model, model hatchback dan sedan sport sepenuhnya redone dengan transmisi manual shifter lempar pendek, 18 roda, dan suspensi yang telah ditingkatkan tersedia pada bulan Februari. Fitur baru lainnya termasuk power driver seat di Limiteds, fungsi power off-delay power sehingga power window bekerja sebentar setelah mesin dimatikan, sistem audio 8 baru dengan aplikasi smartphone Starlink baru yang memiliki fungsi navigasi, Cengking dan banyak lagi. Informasi lengkap dan spesifikasi mekanis belum tersedia, namun Heres halaman dengan informasi awal 2017 Halaman Impreza (dan jika Anda berada di daerah Seattle dan ingin memesannya, silakan hubungi.) 10816 2017 Brosur Crosstrek sekarang tiba di dealer. 25 halaman Catatan: brosur tidak termasuk spesifikasi atau foto Paket Pilihan Premium 15 Edisi Khusus yang tersedia di Red Pure atau Crystal black dengan penutup gas logam dan pedal rem, spoiler belakang, grill depan gloss hitam, velg abu-abu dan perak 5 spoke, rear hitam Badging, Moonroof, Pushbutton Start, Blind Spot DetectionCross alert lalu lintas, footwell depan dan konsol depan tempat penyimpanan Lampu LED merah, Putar sinyal di luar cermin, 6,2 sistem audio dengan 6 speaker, bluetooth, SiriusXM dll (dengan sistem audio Premium standar). Total penjualan 10416 September 54.918, meningkat 1848 mobil pada September 2015 YTD sebanyak 446.887. Sprint adalah untuk pergi mencapai tujuan 615.000 dinyatakan. 3 bulan terakhir tahun ini biasanya sangat kuat untuk Subaru (musim gugur dan musim dingin), dan 615.000 mobil untuk tahun ini dapat dicapai. Subaru akan senang dengan hak membual yang datang saat mereka melanggar 600.000 penghalang, dan itu seharusnya mudah. Tapi yang diharapkan untuk tujuan adalah 615.000 dan berharap untuk melihat banyak dari kita menyukai aktivitas iklan, internet, dan email, dan tentu saja untuk tingkat bunga rendah yang dapat dibebankan (0) untuk melanjutkan. Peneliti online bahkan telah mendapatkan tawaran popup situs web untuk mug Starbucks gratis jika mereka menggunakan test drive (tidak yakin bagaimana cara menerjemahkannya dengan penjualan). Volume Subaru selalu berbasis utilitas - Pedalaman, Forester, Crosstrek dan Outback Sport sebelum Crosstrek The Outback dan Forester secara konsisten menjadi penjual 2 teratas dan telah selamanya. Pada bulan Agustus, 2018 Forester yang Diperbaharui meledakkan semua model bulanan total bulanan dengan yang menakjubkan 19.658. Dengan persediaan habis, penjualan Forester pada bulan September turun menjadi 15883, dan 2 untuk bulan di belakang Pedalaman Tahun 16978 sampai dengan Tanggal 2016 1 Forester 130.652 2 Pedalaman 126.426 3 Crosstrek 68.810 Subaru berharap Impreza baru pada bulan Desember akan mengangkat model volume tersebut, Terutama sedan yang selama ini selalu menjadi penggerak yang lamban. BRZ 2017 adalah perbaikan besar selama 2016 - lampu LED dan spoiler belakang baru terlihat bagus dan standar pada semua model, kontrol kemudi dan audio kemudi yang baru sudah lama terlambat, alat pengukur digital Limiteds sangat menyenangkan dan memiliki info bagus. (Ok, jadi mungkin menarik perhatian tapi aku suka itu) dan hasil imbang besar akan menjadi Performance Package yang sekarang bisa dipesan di Limiteds. Ya yang masih merupakan penggerak roda belakang Subaru. Penjualan dengan model Forester 15883, naik 519 mobil (35) lebih dari 15364 915 Pedalaman 16978, naik 1852 mobil (12) di atas 15126 915 Crosstrek 8261, naik 847 mobil (11) lebih dari 7414 915 Warisan 6027, turun 250 mobil (-4) dari 6277 915 Impreza 4786, turun 769 mobil (-14) dari 5555 915 WRX, STI 2682, turun 350 mobil (-12) dari 3033 915 BRZ 300, turun 1 mobil dari 301 915 930 Subaru memperbarui wiper motor casing ingat inspeksi pertama kali diumumkan Pada tahun 2011, sekarang termasuk beberapa 2010 sampai 2014 Outback and Legacy. WTK71 92217 2017 Crosstrek spesifikasi, fitur dan harga diumumkan. Pesanan yang tersedia saat ini 92217 Pengiriman diharapkan mulai akhir Oktober. Tidak ada perubahan untuk model 2017 kecuali beberapa fitur minor yang ditambahkan pada model Premium Package 15 Special Edition Hybrid telah dijatuhkan (model dijatuhkan pada pertengahan 2016) Edisi Khusus Premium (SE) sekarang tersedia sepenuhnya. Kenaikan harga untuk paket adalah 100. Kini tersedia warna Black dan Pure Red. SE 2017 mendapatkan spoiler belakang, pedal logam, lencana Crosstrek hitam belakang, paduan graysilver didesain ulang, grill hitam gloss. Versi 2016 hanya terbatas pada 1500 model. Harga MSRP meningkat 100 pada semua model. Tujuan meningkat 25 dari 850 menjadi 875 (ke ak 1025) Kenaikan harga total adalah 125. 2017 Spesifikasi Crosstrek 92016 2017 BRZ - Paket Kinerja opsional sekarang tersedia sesuai pesanan. Jika Anda menginginkan BRZ, Performance Package layak didapat dan MSRP hanya 1195. Yang tersedia di Limited hanya dengan transmisi manual, kode model HZE pkg02. Tidak tersedia pada Premium atau Limited otomatis. ETA (perkiraan waktu kedatangan) yang diberikan untuk mobil yang dipesan sekarang akan Januari dengan pengiriman pada akhir Desember 2016 atau Jan 2017 Paket Kinerja mencakup rem Brembo dengan kaliper merah, guncangan SACHS, dan alloy hitam 17x7,5 yang lebih lebar. Paket Kinerja standar pada 500 Series. Yellow Model terbatas yang diharapkan pada bulan Maret 2017 91515 2017 Outback 2.5 dan 3.6 Tur dengan warna coklat cemerlang telah dihentikan setelah total 2000 mobil telah dibuat. Ternyata cokelat cemerlang itu selalu direncanakan sebagai jangka pendek hanya 2000 mobil. Ini juga berlaku untuk paket Outback Special Appearance 2013 yang brilian dan juga produksi terbatas. Masih ada pilihan yang bagus dari tur Outback 2017 Brown yang brilian yang tersedia secara nasional dan beberapa masih dikirim, tapi mereka tidak akan tersedia lama. 91315 Roda lengkung roda gigi opsional telah dilepas. Karena masalah produksi yang tidak ditentukan, cetakan lengkung roda tidak lagi tersedia. Saya tidak yakin mereka benar-benar tersedia atau memakai Forester 2017. Yang mungkin terkait dengan adhesi, sampai mereka tinggal di mobil. Hal ini juga terjadi pada cetakan lengkung rimbal 2014 yang mungkin tersedia namun dijatuhkan sebelum mereka memakai mobil. Pesanan Impreza dan Crosstrek dimatikan. Tidak ada peringatan terlebih dahulu dan kemungkinan penurunan yang sebenarnya terjadi pada tanggal 91 93 Agustus 2016 melonjak ke ketinggian baru dengan catatan 60.418 mobil terjual dalam satu bulan. Berapa bulan Agustus 2016. Sebuah kenaikan 15 di atas 52.697 yang terjual Agustus 2015, rekor bulanan tertinggi baru, bulan terbaik untuk model Forester dan Outback, ditambah dengan penghalang 60.000. 60.418 mobil lebih dari Subaru of America terjual dalam 9 tahun pertama, sampai 1976. Saat itu tahun 1977 ketika Subaru menjual 80.826 dalam setahun. Bulan terbaik sebelumnya adalah pada bulan Desember 2015 dengan 56.274 terjual. Nomor 2016 Agustus dilakukan dengan volume Forester, Outback dan Crosstrek yang luar biasa (sekali lagi, bulan rekor untuk model Forester and Outback), dan suplai Impreza, WRX STI, dan BRZ yang ketat. Forester 2017 yang baru dengan deteksi blind spot, pengereman otomatis terbalik, dan Eyesight v3 pada dasarnya menjual dengan cepat, ia mengeluarkan truk pengantar. Dengan rekor terbaik model 19.658 yang terjual pada bulan Agustus, Forester seharusnya menjadi model pertama yang memecahkan 20.000 dalam sebulan. Outback adalah gainer besar untuk bulan ini karena kenaikan pasokan, dengan 17.358 yang merupakan kenaikan kekalahan dari 56 di atas 815 penjualan, dan bulan terbaiknya yang pernah ada. Crosstrek terus bergerak cepat, dan dengan pasokan yang lebih baik diperkirakan 2017 produksi Impreza pindah ke Lafayette, jumlahnya harus meningkat. Penjualan legacy meningkat dengan penjualan Agustus 5800, yang merupakan kenaikan 35 yang sangat kuat dari 815 penjualan, namun ini terjadi di sebelah Toyota Camry misalnya, dengan 32.864 terjual pada bulan Agustus, sehingga ada banyak ruang untuk pertumbuhan. Imprezas berada dalam persediaan yang sangat pendek karena penjualan 2016 terus berlanjut. Masih ada beberapa 2016 yang masuk (tidak banyak), dan yang 16 tidak dapat dipesan lagi (berakhir pada 31 Agustus), dan penerusan ulang yang dirancang ulang tahun 2017 adalah ETA akhir November. Ada beberapa BRZ yang dimodifikasi tahun 2017 yang mulai tiba secara nasional, namun Paket Kinerja yang diinginkan dijadwalkan pada bulan Desember (musim dingin) dan ya, layak untuk ditunggu. Penjualan Agustus dengan model Forester 19.658, naik 2093 mobil (12) lebih dari 17.565 815 Pedalaman 17,355, naik 6245 mobil (56) lebih dari 11.113 815 Crosstrek 8.787, turun 12 mobil dari 8.799 815 Legacy 5.800, naik 1519 mobil (35) di atas 4.228 815 Impreza 5,319, turun 1755 (-25) dari 7.074 815 WRX, STI 3194, turun 173 mobil (-5) dari 3.367 815 BRZ 302, yang 196 lebih sedikit (-39) dari 498 menjual 815 92 tingkat keuangan bulan September - 0 berlanjut 2017 Outback dan Forester 0 sampai 48 mos berlanjut, Legacy 0 diperpanjang hingga 6063 bulan 82716 N update peta avatif 2012 dan model yang lebih baru dengan navigasi bisa mendapatkan update peta 2016 dan 2017 model navigasi bisa mendapatkan 3 tahun update gratis bila tersedia SubaruMapUpdates 73116 July sales Total 52.093, meningkat 1576 mobil (3) pada bulan Juli 2015 16 Juli YTD adalah 331.551, meningkat dari 1.1616 mobil (atau 3) di atas 322.925 YTD 2015, dan menempatkan Subaru di jalur yang mendekati 600.000 untuk tahun ini. Melihat angka Juli, volume atas Outback dan Forester berjalan dengan baik. Pedalaman naik secara substansial dan Forester stabil meski turun untuk bulan ini. Karena lebih banyak Rimbawan yang lebih maju dengan alat penglihatan baru dan titik penglihatan bisa diketahui, jumlahnya akan meningkat. Dan untuk membantu itu, Subaru memiliki 0 pembiayaan di 17 Outback, Forester, dan Legacy (periksalah dealer lokal Anda untuk harga di daerah Anda). Dan Subaru berencana untuk membuat lebih banyak Outbacks and Legacys yang pernah ada, jadi dealer harus memiliki persediaan. Subaru telah berbicara secara massal semua baru 17 Impreza karena kemudian musim gugur ini (dengan Carplay dan Android Auto), dan itu tidak membantu saat ini 16 model penjualan. Tapi pasokan 16s sudah agak rendah dan menurut rencana Subarus. Sedangkan untuk BRZ, model 17 harus memotivasi beberapa orang yang tidak bersemangat dengan versi saat ini. Dan WRX dan IMS adalah mobil produksi rendah - satu bulan penjualan naik, turun berikutnya, tapi selalu ada minat yang kuat. Penjualan Juli dengan model Pedalaman 14.704 mobil, yang naik 3841 (atau 35) lebih dari 10863 Juli 2015 Forester 14.856 mobil, yang turun 955 (atau -6) di bawah 15811 Juli 2015 Crosstrek 8.480 mobil, yang berada di bawah 95 (atau -1 ) below 8575 July 2015 Impreza 5,200 cars, which is down 1327 (or -20) below 6527 July 2015 Legacy 5,212 cars which is up 712 (or 16) over 4500 July 2015 WRX, STI 3,288 cars, which is down 428 (or 12 ) 3716 July 2015 BRZ 353 cars, which is down 172 (or - 33) below 525 July 2015. 728 Subaru confirms in a news release that the 2016 Crosstrek Hybrid has been discontinued Subaru stopped accepting new orders for the slow selling Hybrid on March 7 , 2016. There was no advance warning. Boom - no more orders accepted. There is still a good supply available nationally so if youre looking for a Crosstrek Hybrid, now is the time. Rambling thoughts on the Crosstrek Hybrid. The Crosstrek is one of Subarus recent success stores, with June sales of 7658. While Subaru doesnt separate 2.0 and Hybrid models in the published monthly counts, the 2.0 models make up the vast majority of Crosstreks purchased. The Hybrid was a successful car when you consider that it was Subarus first US hybrid. It got a lot of attention, was new technology, an all wheel drive mini SUV with good ground clearance, and it fit Subarus practical, and very green, demographics. So what went wrong One reason the car didnt sell was price. While it was very well equipped (perhaps too much so), the Hybrid cloth model MSRP of 27245 was 1300 more than the top of the line Crosstrek 2.0 Limiteds 25945 msrp, and the Hybrid Tourings 30845 sticker price was a whopping 4900 increase over the Limited. The hybrids were better equipped, but still. Yes the Hybrid was zippier with its secondary battery powered 15hp motor but most Crosstrek buyers werent expecting a performance car, and yes the Hybrids did ride quieter than the 2.0 versions but Crosstrek buyers werent necessarily looking for quiet quiet. What the hybrid shoppers looked at was the fuel economy rating and they didnt get past that. They came to see a HYBRID with high fuel economy, an all wheel drive, practical, utility oriented, decent riding Subaru for their family, dog, camping, skiing, gardening, and commute lifestyle. They hoped for 40mpg, all wheel drive, and a roof rack. The real issue, or at least one of the issues, was that Hybrid fell victim to what I think of as the Tribeca Effect. The Tribeca was initially marketed as a 7 passenger, and while it did have 7 seats it was really a 52, and by that, I mean not a true 7 passenger. Back in 06 when the Tribeca was introduced, people came to see Subarus first 7 seater expecting something similar to a minivan or at least Explorer, Pilot, or 4Runner etc, and they left disappointed with the lack of functional 3rd row access and space. It just wasnt a good 7 passenger, and if the car had been billed as a 52 (ie seating for 5, and 2 more in a pinch-so to speak) people would have had much more positive, all important first impressions. They would have known what to expect when they came in. And yes the first Tribeca 3.0L engine was underpowered and took premium gas, and the car was a bit expensive, and the 3 grill look was polarizing (though I liked it). Does anyone miss the BlueConnect bluetooth system Think Subaru Baja mini truck with a tailgate width of 47 when a sheet of plywood is 48. While Subaru has always made high quality, if somewhat different cars, the Tribeca was just mis-marketed, and the Baja wouldnt sell as a truck with a 47 tailgate width. In hindsight, so was the Hybrid. In an age of 40 mpg Priuses loudly shouting hybrid hybrid hybrid HYBRID, the Crosstrek was a minnow swimming with whales. It was rated at 1mpg combined more than the Crosstrek 2.0 versions, and just like with the Tribeca, first time viewers looking at Subarus Hybrid said, why. Why would I spend that much more to get so little. The 2016 2.0 models are currently rated at 2634 30 combined mpg vs the Hybrid at 3034 31 combined mpg. Yes the soon-to-be late Hybrid is zippier (sort of), quieter, better equipped and mostly GREEN, but its not much of a HYBRID. Its just not. Subaru said it was hybrid assisted but that didnt go far enough to change expectations. Perhaps if Subaru had named it the Crosstrek 15 (for the useful 15 additional hp), or the Crosstrek Plus (plus mpg, plus quiet, plus extra features etc), or just the Crosstrek Green people would have more receptive. But naming it the Hybrid and Hybrid Touring led first time viewers down the wrong path expecting to find high MPG, and they didnt look a 2nd time because right next to it on car lots was the less expensive, equally capable all wheel drive Crosstrek 2.0, which they bought and still are buying in quantity. (Disclosure - I have had 2 Crosstreks, a 13 and now a 16 and like them). Dropping the Hybrid means Subaru can focus on, and make more, 2.0 models. Thats a good thing. Another good thing is that if you want a Crosstrek Hybrid, its a great car, well equipped, has a roof rack and ground clearance, and its green, and is still available. Subaru has something planned to replace it (a plug in) coming, but exactly what that will be, and when, is a question. And when Subaru comes out with their new 7 passenger in a few years, hopefully there wont be a Tribeca Effect. 72016 2017 Outback brochures available at dealers 71716 2017 BRZ details and prices announced, and orders now available Subaru is stepping up the game, hoping to excite driving enthusiasts and invigorate the slow selling BRZ sport cars with slightly more power, improved handling, upgraded interior, and optional Performance Paackage. gt More power - new intake and exhaust adds 5hp to 205hp, and more torque to 156lb ft. Gearing has been changed to 4.3.:1 for better acceleration gt Upgraded suspension as Subaru moves to strengthen the BRZs reputation as a tight, responsive sports car.- new rear stabilizer, springs, shock absorbers. The stability control system has been revised, and the sport setting has been renamed track. Stiffer chassis and strut tower braces. gt New look - new rear spoiler (standard on Ltd, optional on Premium), LED headlights, LED fog lights, redesigned 17 alloys and front fender trim, gt Interior - new steering wheel with audio and bluetooth controls. Limited models get gloss black interior trim, redesigned instrument panel gauges with 4.2 LCD tripperformance computer, gt Performance Package - optional on Limited models - Brembo brakes with 4 piston red calipers, 12.8 front discs, and 12.4 rear, new Sachs brand shocks. gt Limited Performance Package Series. Yellow. Available March, 2017 only 500 made. Limited, manual transmission, with Performance Package. Black leather trimmed alcantara seats with yellow stitching (seats, steering wheel, shift boot, door trim, floor mats), yellow BRZ logo on seatbacks, silver BRZ logo on floor mats, frameless rear view mirror, black outisde mirrors, black 17 alloys, Brembo brakes, Sachs brand shocks, Prices Premium 100 to 25495 820 destination 26,315 Limited 250 to 27645 820 destination 28,465 Performance package (Limited, manual trans only) adds 1195 Limited Series. Yellow 29615 820 destination 30515 (the 2016 Limited Series. Blue was 28485 including dest) Limited automatic 250 to 28745 820 destination 29,565 713 2017 manual transmission 2.5i and Premium Foresters (model codes HFA, HFE) can be ordered starting July 13, with delivery ETA in October. July 13, 2016 lower finance rates announced on 2017 Outback, Forester, and Legacy starting at 0, and 2016 Outback and Forester 0 rate extended 0 financing available on 2017 outback Forester and Legacy for 48 month. 90for 60 months. new rates announced starting July 13, available through August 1, 2016 Note - these new rates are not retroactive to July 1st (sorry). on approval of credit, NWSeattle area new 2017 Outback 0x24-36-48 months. 90x60, 1.90x72 months new 2017 Forester 0x24-36-48 months. 90x60, 1.90x72 months new 2017 Legacy 0x24-36-48 months. 90x60, 1.90x72 months 2017 WRX continues at 2.90 new 2016 Outback 0 x 24-36-48-60 mos, 1.90x72 mos new 2016 Forester 0 x 24-36-48-60 mos, 1.90x72 mos July 3, 2016 June sales 46,598, which is 2263 more than June 2015s 44,335 total. Thats a solid increase of 5 YTD total 279,458, which is 7040 (3) over YTD 2015 272418. Subaru continues its roll but at the midpoint through the year isnt quite halfway to the goal of 615,000 cars. But Subaru says now that the SIA (Subaru of Indiana Automotive) is making more Outback and Legacy, the supply should increase. Thats good, but Subaru corporate will need to restrain themselves so not to flood the market with cars because part of the Subaru allure has been that theyre popular, can be hard to get, and they sell quickly. Once every dealer has a lot of unsold inventory sitting on the lots, will Subaru become just another company where the dealer needs to hard sell the cars (to varying degrees) to move the constant incoming stream of inventory the company requires them to take (and sell) Subaru already has low finance rates starting at 1.49 on the 2017 Forester, Outback, and Legacy which are only starting to arrive. The sales leader for June is the Outback, which is Subarus safety leader with new 2017 features including Reverse Automatic Braking and High Beam Headlight Assist. The all new top of the line fully equipped 2017 Outback Touring is now available, with brown leather, low profile standard roof rails, and chrome trim and badging. The Outback Touring, with sticker prices approaching (and sometimes exceeding) 40,000, is aiming up toward the low end of the low end of the near luxury (or premium) car market. The 2017 Forester gets some much needed upgrades including Blind Spot DetectionRear Cross Traffic Alert, the latest version of Eyesight, and improved insulation for a quieter ride. The WRX and STI models are as popular as ever, and supply is getting better. June 2016 totals b y model Outback 13,417, up 2505 cars (23) over 10912 615 Forester 12029, down 2029 cars, (-14) from 14058 615 Crosstrek 7658, up 601 cars (-9) over 7057 615 Impreza 4994 cars, down 72 cars (-1) from 5066 615 Legacy 5023, up 497 cars (11) over 4526 615 WRX, STI 3130, up 964 cars (45) over 2166 615 BRZ 347, down 203 cars (-37) from 55 615 YTD 2016 Total 279458 cars. Thats up 7040 cars, 3 over 272418 YTD 2015 Half way through 2016, Subaru is on track for 559000 cars for the year. With a stated goal of 615,000 cars, Subaru would like to be closer to 300,000 cars at this mid point. The busy winter cold weather selling season is ahead however and Subaru needs over 53000 cars per month to break 600,000 cars for the year (thats the minimum we did it goal). Outback YTD 77386, up 6069 cars (9) over 71317 YTD 2015 Forester YTD 80255, down 573 cars (-1) from 80828 YTD 2015 Crosstrek YTD 43282, up 1332 (3) over 41950 YTD 2015 Impreza YTD 29765, down 1541 cars (-5) from 31306 YTD 2015 Legacy YTD 30357, up 1184 cars (4) over 29173 YTD 2015 WRX STI YTD 16006, up 971 cars (6) over 15035 YT 2015 BRZ YTD 2407, down 402 cars (-14) from 2809 YTD 2015 July 1- July 1 to August 1 finance rates announced. major changes include 2016 Legacy 0x60 months 2017 Outback, Forester, and Legacy 1.49x48 mos, 1.90x60-63 mos, on approval of credit June 27- 2017 Outbacks and Legacys starting to arrive June 27 2016 Crosstrek Premium Special Edition now available Only 1500 made. Its a Premium with Option Package 15. Last year there was a yellow 2015 Special Edition, This year, the 2016 Crosstrek Special Edition is Pure Red, with black cloth, and red stitching on the seats, door panels, leather wrapped steering wheel, console armrest, shift knob and boot. It has sharp looking red and gloss black dash trim. Amazing what you can do with a bit of plastic. All have standard Blind spot detection with rear cross traffic alert, turn signals in the outside mirrors, power moonroof, modular cupholder in the center console with retractable cover (like the STI), 6.2 audio, red LED footwell lighting, red and gloss back dash trim. Crosstrek pages June 24 2017 Forester brochures now available June 21- 2017 model rates and leases announced for Forester, Outback and Legacy. WRX rates were announced late May Outback 1.90x 24-26-48 mos, 2.49x60-63-72 mos Forester 1.90x 24-26-48 mos, 2.49x60-63-72 mos Legacy 1.90x 24-26-48 mos, 2.49x60-63-72 mos 6416 2017 Forester page is up, but not finished. 6 3 16- a new remote start is now available with full long distance range on pushbutton start Foresters, Outbacks, and Legacys. This new remote start replaces the current factory installed optional remote start available on pushbutton start cars that never has worked well (extremely short range, weak signal). The new system uses a 2nd fob with an excellent signal and around a 400 ft range. This is similar to the remote start system that has been available on models with standard keyed ignition. This new system can be installed on 2014-2017 Foresters and 2015-2017 Outbacks and Legacys with pushbutton start. 2017s ordered with optional remote start will have this new system. 6216 2017 Forester MANUAL transmission factory orders wont be available until August, with delivery (depending on production) in October. Not many companies even make manuals anymore. The manual is available in a base model (code HFA) and Premium model (code HFE). The Premium adds standard All Weather Pkg (heated seatsdefrosting mirrors, front wiper de-icer), 10 way power drivers seat with power lumbar, panoramic glass moonroof, dark tinted glass, roof rails, alloy wheels, very nice 7 high-resolution touchscreen audio, rear spoiler, automatic climate control. 6116 May sales - Subaru ekes out an small increase despite a rough month due a big recall on Outback and Legacy Total sales for May 2016 is 50,083, a small increase of 522 cars, or 1, over 49,561 for May 2015. But its the best May ever, and the 54th consecutive month of sales increases. Usually May is usually the start of the current model sell-down as arrival of the new model approaches, but this year Outback and Legacy sales were hobbled by a month long stop saledo not drive recall to replace defective steering columns and then a last minute website glitch over Memorial Day weekend that prevented dealers from searching inventory. The 2017 Outback, Legacy and Forester are all still expected to start arriving in July. WRX and STI will be on lots the first week or so of June. June 2016 sales start with the same interest rates as the May, so Subaru is not concerned at this time about clearing the 2016s before the 17s arrive. May 2016 sales Outback 12,4045, 20 cars (0) more than 12,384 May 2015. (stop sale recall halts most sales) Forester 15,309, 152 cars (1) more than 15157 May 2015 Crosstrek 8,467, 591 cars (8) more than 7,876 cars May 2015 Legacy 5,265, 265 cars (5) more than 5000 May 2015 (stop sale recall halts most sales) Impreza 5,928, 285 cars (5) more than 5,643 May 2015 WRX, STI 2,327, 568 cars (20) less than 2895 May 2015 (tight supply, 17s expected early June) BRZ 383, 223 cars (37) less than 606 May 2015 52616 2017 Outback and Legacy orders available today Thursday 526 starting at 4pm OUTBACK 2017 Outback Limiteds get standard moonroof, dimming rear view mirror, and pushbutton start. 2017 MSRP 2.5 Limited is now 31218 vs 2016 29634 on a 2016 without the moonroof, keyless access. 2017 Outback 3.6 Limited is 33,571 vs 2016 32,077. So if you do not want a moonroof, get a 2016 Outback Limited now. More information soon. Ordering in Wa State My contact info 52516 2017 WRX and STI finance interest rates announced 2.90 x24-36-48-60-63 months, on approval of credit. NW area, at least through May 31st. June rates will be announced on June 1st The cars are expected soon. Are you in Wa order one in Shoreline Contact 52016 2017 Forester orders now accepted. Delivery in July. That was fast. the model features, prices, colors, and most option and accessory details were just released yesterday and orders are already available today Usually theres a little more time than that between info release and order availability. Perhaps Subaru marketing is pushing this out hoping to quickly to bring people back into the dealerships and also to create blog talk and news as a distraction from the Outback and Legacy stop saledo not drive steering column recall. The recall is getting widespread attention, as well as slowing down sales at the dealers and even production of those models in Lafayette. I wonder if 2017 OutbackLegacy model info and ordering will be pushed back to make up for time lost, and if there will be a new, strong incentives on the 2016 Outbacks (0 for example) to bring people back in. Anyway, since the Forester is made in Japan, it wont be affected by the recall, and the 2017 availability should bring people in to dealers who have been holding back waiting for the new upgraded Forester. Are you in Wa order one in Shoreline Contact 51916 2017 WRXSTI full color brochures arriving at dealers now with the cars expected in June. 51916 2017 Forester model details and prices released. 51616 Must see Military Might . Watch a new black STI Limited (in a camo wrap) driven by Tanner Foust, compete in a military road and survivability test along with a hot pink Dodge Ram, a new Jeep Willys, and a Abrams M1 tank on Top Gear USA season 7, espisode 5 . Watch until the end when the STI 51616 The Outback and Legacy Stop SaleDont Drive steering column recall quickly changes production plans at SIA in Lafayette. Subaru is slowing down new car production in order to ship correct replacement steering columns to dealers. They know people are driving a rental while their new car has been towed to a dealer. Well have to wait and see if this affects peoples opinions of their new car and purchase experience, and also how it affects the arrival of the 2017 models. Subaru is cutting back on production and overtime at its Indiana plant to free up parts for a big recall. The car-maker has to fix a steering problem in more than 50,000 new Legacies and Outbacks made in Lafayette. Subaru has more than 4,000 workers in Lafayette, its only factory in North America. Thanks to this recall, as many as 3,000 of them may miss out on daily and Saturday overtime for the next few weeks. Factory VP Tom Easterday says thatll free up parts to repair steering issues in 2016 and 2017 Legacies and Outbacks ones made at the plant between February 28 and May 6. So any parts that were scheduled to be used for the overtime production, those parts will now be shipped directly to the dealer to help out with our customers that would need to have the part changed, Easterday says. That means less production and lower inventory until mid-June, which could affect sales. But he hopes theyll make it up and let workers make up the overtime later this year. Thats when the factory plans to add more Outbacks and new Imprezas to its production lines. Easterday says theyve hired a thousand new workers to make those vehicles, with 200 more set to be hired in June. He doesnt expect the recall to slow that process. the original article 51416 Whoa. Subarus parent company Fuji Heavy Industries steps behind the curtain and with a wave of the magicians wand, will reappear on April 1, 2017 (next year) as Subaru Presuming stockholder approval, the company, which has had a number of identities and products over the 60 since it became Fuji Heavy, will rebrand itself with the name of its best known product, Subaru. With Subarus recent growth, many new Subaru car owners are not familiar with the company, they dont know and never heard of Fuji Heavy Industries. In the past few years, Subaru brand pressure washers, generators, and lawn mowers with Subaru engines (previously known as Robin America) have been sold at Costco, Home Depot etc. Subaru would like their other divisions to benefit form their reputation. So Fuji. er Subaru. wants you to know theyre more than a car company. a bit of background. Fuji, not to be confused with Fuji the film company, makes small engines, car parts, industrial machinery, parts for Boeing, helicopters for the Japanese Self Defense Force, Raytheon Hawker, and Eclipse Aviation business jets but theyre best known for Subaru cars. Fuji Heavy Industries traces its roots to the Nakajima Aircraft Company, an early Japanese aircraft company and leading supplier of Japanese fighter components during World War II. That explains Subarus use of the aircraft heritage boxer engine in their cars. At the end of World War II, Nakajima was broken up by the Allied Occupation government into separate companies. On July 15, 1953 five of the companies, Fuji Kogyo, Fuji Jidosha Kogyo, Omiya Fuji Kogyo, Utsunomiya Sharyo and Tokyo Fuji Sangyo formed Fuji Heavy Industries.. On a side note, another part of Nakajima evolved into Prince Motor Company which in 1966 merged with, and is now known as, Nissan and was the minority stockholder in Fuji. Subaru minority ownerpartners included Nissan with 20.4 from 1968-1999, GM from 1999-2005, Toyota from 2005 to the present now holds 16.5 of Fuji. In 1989 Subaru and Isuzu opened the Subaru Isuzu Automotive factory in Lafayette, Indiana. When Isuzu sold their part to Subaru in 2001, it was renamed Subaru Indiana Automotive and is still where all Outbacks and Legacys are assembled. All Bajas were also assembled there with Isuzus unused capacity. Then Toyota assembled Camry there until last year. Current SIA expansion plans will have the plant producing Imprezas by the end of this year. Confused Fuji no doubt hopes to simplify things by being Subaru - a name we know. Heres the official press release Tokyo, Japan - Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (FHI Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo President amp CEO: Yasuyuki Yoshinaga) today held an extraordinary meeting of its Board of Directors and resolved to change its company name to SUBARU Corporation with effect from April 1, 2017 (tentative date). Implementation of the name change is subject to shareholder approval for amendments to the Companys Articles of Incorporation at the 85th General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for June 28, 2016. The origins of FHI date back to the foundation of the Aircraft Research Laboratory (later to become Nakajima Aircraft Co. Ltd.) in 1917. After going through a number of reorganizations, FHI was established under its current name in 1953. Since then, the Company has expanded its businesses ranging from aerospace and industrial products segments to its primary business of Subaru automobiles which began with the introduction of the Subaru 360 minicar in 1958. Today, the Subaru automotive business operates in more than 90 countries worldwide and continues to achieve strong growth thanks to the support of its customers around the globe. For the fiscal year ending March 2017, Subaru projects its global vehicle sales to exceed one million units (1,050,000 units on a consolidated basis) for the first time in its history. In its mid-term management vision Prominence 2020 announced in May 2014, FHI set a corporate vision for 2020 of being a high-quality company that is not big in size but has distinctive strength. To this end, the Company is focusing on two initiatives: enhancing the Subaru brand and building a strong business structure. FHI is taking the opportunity of the 100th anniversary of the 1917 founding of Nakajima Aircraft to change its long-familiar company name and unify it with its brand name. The purpose of this shift is to further accelerate our efforts to enhance the Subaru brand and achieve even greater growth for Subaru as a distinctive global brand in the automotive and aerospace industries. Under our new company name, we will continue to seek sustainable growth by offering Subarus distinctive value of Enjoyment and Peace of Mind to customers worldwide, pursuant to our management philosophy of aiming to be a compelling company with a strong market presence built upon its customer-first principle. Brief History of Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. 1917: Chikuhei Nakajima establishes the Aircraft Research Laboratory. 1918: The Aircraft Research Laboratory renamed the Nakajima Aircraft Factory (then incorporated as Nakajima Aircraft Co. Ltd. in 1931). 1945: Nakajima Aircraft Co. Ltd. reorganized as Fuji Sangyo Co. Ltd. switching from aircraft manufacturing to production of civilian goods. 1950: In accordance with the Enterprise Reorganization Act, Fuji Sangyo Co. Ltd. split into 12 companies, including Fuji Kogyo, Fuji Jidosha Kogyo, and Utsunomiya Sharyo. 1953: Five of the 12 companies, including Fuji Kogyo, contribute capital to establish Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (FHI acquires and merges with the five companies in 1955). Origin of the Subaru Name: Subaru is a Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster. Subaru was the first brand to use a Japanese name for its vehicles. The name symbolizes the unity of the six companies related to Nakajima Aircraft that merged to form Fuji Heavy Industries. 51316 Recall and Stop SaleDo Not Drive on some new 2016 and early production 2017 Outbacks and Legacys assembled after February 29th that might have a bad steering column. Recall WTD-65 Around 52,000 (48,500 U. S. and 3,500 Canadian) 2016 and early 2017 Outback and Legacy might have an improperly manufactured steering column that can come loose resulting in a loss of steering and control. Vehicles assembled within the production dates and VIN range have to be visually inspected by a Subaru dealer. Subaru is first working to inspect cars already purchased and being driven. This is a Stop SaleDo Not Drive recall where dealers cannot sell or test drive vehicles until they have been inspected and the steering column replaced if necessary. The problem was discovered May 3 when the owner of a 2016 Outback reported trouble. Subaru says there have been no crashes or injuries. If necessary, dealers will make arrangements to send a technicians to a customers location to inspect the steering column. If they werent manufactured properly, they will be replaced starting in mid-May. The company will offer loaner cars until parts are available but some people whose cars arent driveable havent even gotten their license plates or their new car purchase experience survey yet. Subaru of America spokesman Mike McHale said. We have the details of the owners and are contacting them directly, he said. Subaru does not know how exactly many cars will have the problem. The problem affects cars worldwide, but McHale said he did not know the number. The vehicles to inspect include 2016 models made Feb. 29 - May 6, 2016. 2016 Legacys with VIN G3045004 to G3059641, 2016 Outbacks with VIN G3307507 to G334-6346 2017 models made from April 18-29, 2016. These 2017s are early fleet and corporate cars. No 2017s are available for sale and no 17 prices or specs have been announced yet. 2017 Legacys with VIN H3002001 to H3002024, and 2017 Outbacks with VIN H3200001 to H3200048 Read more here: charlotteobservernewsbusinessnational-businessarticle77395397.htmlstorylinkcpy Note . If you have a Subaru, recalls are noted on your MySubaru account. From NHTSA An incorrect setting of a tool used in production of the steering column may have resulted in improper machining of one of the steering column shafts. If this improper machining condition exists, the steering column shaft may not engage properly. If this were to occur, the steering wheel may rotate freely and the driver would lose the ability to steer the vehicle. (steering column) Production Dates Feb 29, 2016 - MAY 06, 2016 To remedy this condition, it is necessary to inspect the lot number of the steering column. If the vehicle contains a steering column with one of the affected lot numbers, the steering column must be replaced. Until the vehicle has been inspected, owners are advised not to drive their vehicle. H ow Remedy Component Differs from Recalled Component :The Steering column shaft will be machined to meet original specifications intended for this part. link to the official recall on NHTSA 5716 2017 Outback and Legacy preliminary information starting to come out. Sta y tuned for more details soon. Cars due late July New Eyesight safety features include Reverse Automatic Braking and High Beam Assist. 2017 Outbacks and Legacys with optional Eyesight get new Reverse Automatic Braking which uses 4 sensors in the back bumper to detect an object and help stop the car when going backwards. Eyesight also gets High Beam Assist to switch the headlights between high and low settings when an oncoming car is detected. Return of the popular Outback Limited Special Appearance model, last seen as a 2014 model. All new top of the line in Outback Touring model, very similar to the Limited Special Appearance 2012-13-14 models, is available with either the 2.5i and 3.6 engine. Its gets all new heated steering wheel, standard Java Brown leather interior with ivory stitching, Navigation, gloss black dash trim, dark gray front grill, dark gray machines finished 18 alloys, new silver finish, low profile roof rails, new chrome badging and lower accent trim. Brilliant brown color is available on the Touring model, this color was previously on the 2013 Outback Special Appearance Package (if its the same color). Return of the Legacy Sport. The Legacy Premium Sport, last seen as the 2014 model, returns after 3 years. Available with the 2.5L engine, the Sport package includes new 18 Sport model alloys, a dark gray front grill, fog lights with gloss black surround, chrome lower rocker panel trim, and silver outside mirrors with integrated turn signals. The interior is two tone black and gray cloth with blue stitching, carbon fiber-patterned plastic door and dash trim, with gloss black door switches and steering wheel controls. 5316 April sales Total 50,380 cars, which is an increase of 3,139 cars (7) over 47,241 April 2015, and new record for April. 53rd month of increased sales and 26th months with over 40,000 car sold. Subaru is anticipating a strong Fall season as more Imprezas come on the market from the expanded SIA (Subaru Indiana Automotive) plant in Lafayette. April 2016 sales by model Outback 14,294, an increase of 1760 car (14) over 12,534 April 2015 Forester 14,490, an increase of 513 cars 94) over 13,977 April 2015 Crosstrek 7,607, an increase of 671 cars (10) over 6,936 April 2015 Legacy 5,591, and increase of 315 cars (6) over 5,276 April 2015 Impreza 4,836, a drop of 475 cars (down 9) from 5,311 April 2015 WRX, STI 3,096, an increase of 383 cars (14) over 2,713 April 2015 BRZ 466, and drop of 28 cars (down 6) from 494 April 2016 April 2016 YTD sales 182777, up 4,255 cars (2) over 178,522 YTD April 2015 YTD sales by model Outback 51,565, up 3544 cars (7) over 48,021 YTD 2015 Forester 52,917, up 1304 cars (3) over 51,613 YTD 2015 Crosstrek 27,157, up 140 cars (1) over 27,017 YTD 2015 Legacy 20,069, up 422 cars (2) over 19,647 YTD 2015 Impreza 18,843, down 1,754 cars (9) from 20,597 YTD 2015 WRX, STI 10,549, up 575 cars (6) over 9,975 YTD 2915 BRZ 1,677, up 24 cars (1) over 1,653 YTD 2015 42216 Earth Day Subaru supports National Wildlife Foundations Monarch butterfly habitat program and is giving away 50,000 Butterfly Heroes Garden Starter Packets with milkweed seed packs through Subaru dealers. April 1, 2016. Subaru Joins National Wildlife Federation and Others in Leading the Drive to Save Monarch Butterflies As part of the National Wildlife Federations Garden for Wildlife program, Butterfly Heroes seeks to connect gardeners, kids and families alike to help create new habitats for monarch butterflies. With monarchs currently migrating north through the United States on their way to their summer homes, its essential for their survival that they find plenty of milkweed along the way. here are photos of the free Garden Starter packets and seed packs available at Subaru dealers, April 2016 4 2116 2016 Outback, Forester, and Legacy orders end Monday 425 That means 2017 model information, prices, and orders will be available soon 41916 2017 WRX and STI orders available starting today Delivery expected in June 2017 options, packages, info 41515 2016 Crosstrek Premium Special Edition (Option Package 15) prices announced. Cars expected in June. MSRP: 24,245 Special Edition Option Package 15 2200 26,445 (including destination) 1,500 to be made Pure Red color with black cloth interior with red stitching on the shift knob, door panels, and steering wheel. Black dash trim with red accents CVT transmission Includes Moonroof, Pushbutton Start, Blind Spot DetectionCross traffic alert, red LED front footwell and front console storage lighting, turn signal outside mirrors, The SE will have the standard 6.2 audio system more information 41416 2017 Forester gets updated 2017 changes announced, and theyre everything we hoped for (almost). Model and transmission line-up remains the same as 2016. Lots of much needed safety technology upgrades. Mild front end freshening. Quieter ride this is early info and will be changed and corrected as more details are released The cars are expected to arrive early July. Prices and orders are expected soon. new look - the front bumper, front grill, headlights, and taillights all get mildly redesigned. Quieter ride - thicker door glass, redesigned door seals, acoustic windshield, more underfloor insulation Steering wheel - redesigned new alloy wheels, machined black and silver 2.5i CVT fuel economy up slightly to 26 city32 highway, 28 combined, from previous 24 city32 highway, 27 combined 2.0XT fuel economy continues to be 23 city28 highway, 25 combined, same as 2016s Stereo - no changes expected, same as 2016 models, so no Android Auto or Carplay. Still missing - height andor power adjustable front passenger seat, rain sensing front wipers, upgraded Eyesight - optional on Premium, Limited and Touring models. Upgraded to v. 3 with color cameras, and now includes Lane Keep Assist, all new for Subaru High Beam Assist (HBA) which switches the headlights between high and low beams when another car approaches, all new for Subaru Steering Responsive Headlights (based on steering wheel position), and all new for Subaru Reverse Automatic Braking to help stop parking lot mishaps. The Reverse Automatic Braking uses 4 ultrasonic sensors in the rear bumper. Exact details of what models get what features are to be announced. new Blind Spot Detection with Rear Cross Traffic Alert. new Heated steering wheel - a first for Subaru. Standard on Touring models new Memory front drivers seat - all new on Forester Forester 2.5 Touring and XT Touring optional Eyesight new - standard Blind spot detection with rear cross traffic alert, new - standard Heated steering wheel new - standard pushbutton start new - XT Touring with optional eyesight gets Active Torque Vectoring which helps with hard cornering new color - Touring only, Sepia bronze metallic new interior - Touring only - saddle brown leather interior new machined black and silver 18 alloys new - redesigned steering wheel Forester 2.5 Limited new - standard Blind spot detection with rear cross traffic alert, new - optional Eyesight new machined black and silver 17 alloys new - redesigned steering wheel Forester 2.5 Premium and XT Premium new - optional Eyesight with Blind spot detection with rear cross traffic alert new - optional power rear gate (part of a package, to be announced) new - standard X Mode with hill descent control now on Premium CVTs (not manual) new - standard r ear spoiler - body colored new machined black and silver 17 alloys on 2.5i, and 18 alloys on XT Premium redesigned steering wheel 2.5i still available with manual transmission or optional CVT redesigned steering wheel 41116 2016 Forester, Outback and Legacy orders expected to close soon Want a 2016 model You better order it now. the 2017s are expected in late JuneJulyAugust so 2016s orders will be closing soon. Some 2016 models or colors are already no longer available, such as some Forester manual transmission models. No 2017 model changes have been announced or confirmed yet though there are many rumors. 2017 orders should be available in early to mid May. 42 March sales increase (just barely). 49,285 which is another record, its the best March ever, but it just barely exceeded March 2015 by 174 cars (March 2016s 49285 to March 2015s 49111). Subaru is extremely proud that this is the 52nd month of sales increases and the 25th month with sales over 40,000. And 2016 YTD 132,281 is another record, with 1,116 cars or 1 over 131,281 cars YTD March 2015 (which was the previous best first quarter). March 2016 by model Outback saved the month. All models are down except the WRXSTI (up 226 cars), and Outback (up a strong 1618 cars, 13). The big declines were Forester -5 and Legacy -10. The 2016 Forester is starting to wind down and the popular Eyesight is hard to keep in stock, and the Legacy is a great car that cant grab a big market share. But watching these numbers go up or down every month is like watching a boat. it rocks up and down with the waves but whats important is if it keeps moving ahead. Subaru makes a great car, and likes the big lead-in best month ever story line, the monthly growth is what makes data crunching marketers and big desks happy, but the real story unfolds at the end of the book, on the last day and page of the year. was it a good year, hopefully it was as good or even better than last year but whats important, what got Subaru to be the larger company it is today, is if Subaru made a better car this year than last year, were there fewer recalls than previous years, and did they hold their own against the rising tide of competitors jealous of and completely imitating their advertising and style and targeting their AWD market The auto industry analysts and survey companies only like sales increases, ie theyd bet on the hare. But not every month or year has to have growth be better for it to have been a success, ie growth is good but is not the only measure of success. Coming months Many Forester buyers want hard to find Eyesight models, or are waitinghoping for the coming 17s to have blind spot detection, and many Impreza buyers will wait for the all new 17 model due later this year (Android Auto and Carplay). Crosstrek buyers have bought everything available. Outback and Legacy models will start clearing out as 17s get closer, due this summer the month Forester 14,284, down 683 (-5) from 14,967 315. This is the first Forester drop in a while, YTD the Forester is up, see below Outback 14,122, up 1618 cars (13) over 12,504 315 Crosstrek 6,973, down 189 cars (-3) from 7162 315 Impreza 5193, down 171 cars (-3) from 5364 315 Legacy 5551, down 597 cars (-10) from 6148 315 WRX, STI 2737, up 226 (11) over 2471 315 BRZ 425, down 70 cars (-14) from 495 315 YTD by model, March 2016 Forester YTD 2016 38,427, a 2 increase (791 cars) over YTD 2015 37,636 car Outback 37,271, an increase of 1784 cars (5) over YTD 2015 35,487 cars Crosstrek YTD 2016 19550, down 531 (-3) from YTD 2015 20,081 cars Impreza YTD 2016 14007, down 1279 cars (-8) from YTD 2015 15,286 cars Legacy YTD 2016 14478, up 107 cars (1) over YTD 2015 14,371 cars WRX, STI YTD 2016 7453, an increase of 192 cars (3) over YTD 2015 7,261 cars BRZ YTD 2016 1211, and increase of 52 cars (4) over YT D 2015 1,159 324 2016 WRX orders ending tomorrow 325 . Thats not much advance warning 2017 model orders should be available early May 2016. No changes for 2017 models have been announced. 320 Skagit Subaru in Burlington, Wa. purchased early March 2016 by Dwayne Lane Auto Group and renamed Dwayne Lanes Skagit Subaru Skagit River Subaru, aka Skagit Subaru, was bought early March 2016 by Dwayne Lanes Auto Family from the Tapley Family Auto Group. Tapley company founder Don Tapley sr and wife Sharon Tapley, and son DJ Tapley, had owned the dealerships since 1987. Renamed Dwayne Lanes Skagit Subaru. Also purchased at the same time from the Tapley Family Auto Group was Skagit Mazda and Skagit Ford and they were renamed Dwayne Lanes Skagit Mazda and Dwayne Lanes Skagit Ford-Lincoln. All the dealerships are located at I-5 Auto World in Burlington, just north of Mt Vernon, Wa. Note: company founder Dwayne Lane passed away March 18, 2016 at 80yo. His son Tom Lane is running the company. 314 change in Subaru corporate title Current SoA Chairman and COO Tomomi Nakamura is being promoted from Corporate Senior VP to Corporate Executive VP. He and SoA CEOPresident Tom Doll have started the process of moving Subaru from their long time Cherry Hill, NJ location to Camden NJ. 313 Should I warm up my car Warming up a car takes miles of driving and there is no reason to wait or let a car idle for that long, but you should always let a cold car idle for 10-20-30 seconds, more if its cold outside, to let the oil circulate. Then drive calmly for the first mile or so. I would recommend that always always always. whether a brand new car or an old one, if you want a car to last, treat it nicely when its cold. Heres a Q amp A from the Bend Oregon Bulletin at bendbulletinbusiness4105648-151warming-up-subaru-not-necessary Q: I have a 2013 Subaru Impreza. I have to wait until the blue thermostat light on the dash goes off before I drive the car. Do you think this is necessary It seems like a waste of gas. A: It is a waste. When the engine is first started, this light will be red for a moment during its self-test, then turn blue until it goes off when the engine is sufficiently warmed up as per the Subaru owners manual. Does this mean you shouldnt drive the car until the blue light goes off Subaru would like you to wait, but I dont think its necessary. Like any engine, 15 to 30 seconds of initial warmup, unless temperatures are extremely low, then operating the vehicle gently until it is sufficiently warmed up is the best and most efficient way to bring the catalyst system up to temperature to minimize emissions and maximize fuel efficiency. Id consider the blue light a reminder, not a mandate. 31216 2017 Impreza to be shown at the NY Auto Show March 23 This is will be Subarus first US car on their new Global Platform that will become the underpinnings for future Subaru. What to look for in a new Impreza Slightly larger Longer wheelbase for a smoother ride and bigger back seat More practical 5 door cargo door and body design. Its tight in the current the Impreza 5door and Crosstreks due to the aerodynamically focused slope of the rear gate. More integration of the safety technologies - Eyesight and Starlink internet connectivity. And hopefully with scheduled US production and other benefits described below, Subarus will keep the same price points. Heres the press release Tokyo, March 7, 2016 Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (FHI), the manufacturer of Subaru automobiles, has unveiled an overview of the Subaru Global Platform, which is currently under development as the architecture to be used for all the Companys next-generation vehicles. The Subaru Global Platform is part of the six initiatives to enhance the Subaru brand described in the Companys mid-term management vision, Prominence 2020,announced in 2014. Together with the horizontally-opposed engines, Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive (AWD), and EyeSight that represent Subarus core technologies, the new platform will constitute the basic foundation of the next generation of Subaru vehicles. Marking the launch of the new concept, FHI President Yasuyuki Yoshinaga said, The Subaru Global Platform lifts Subarus automotive technology to new heights, and marks the next step in the evolution of Enjoyment and Peace of Mind, the value that Subaru offers to its customers. This new platform represents the culmination of the know-how we have developed over many years, and we are confident that it will allow us to produce vehicles that live up to our proud traditions and meet the high expectations customers have of Subaru. We continue to work on designing ever-more attractive vehicles that offer the customer both enjoyment and peace of mind. Main Features of Subaru Global Platform The next-generation platform is designed with the future in mind, and looks ahead to 2025. The main features include: Subarus biggest-ever enhancement in overall vehicle performance 1. Emotionally engaging Dynamic feel that goes beyond high performance 2. The worlds highest levels of safety Single design concept for development of all models, adaptable to electrification in the future Subarus Biggest-ever Enhancement in Overall Vehicle Performance 1. Emotionally engaging Dynamic feel that goes beyond high performance. The new platform will make possible a new type of driving experience, appealing directly to the senses and offering unparalleled smoothness and comfortall backed up by excellent performance and specifications. Specifically, the new platform will further refine Subarus dynamic feel in the following areas: (1) straight line stability, (2) noise and vibration suppression, and (3) comfort. (1) Straight line stability The new platform dramatically increases rigidity throughout the body and chassis (a 70 to 100 increase over present models) and incorporates substantial improvements to the suspension system and achieve a lower center of gravity, bringing about highly responsive steering that allows drivers to control the vehicle precisely as they want. The eradication of unnecessary movement in handling makes the car seem to grip the road surface, achieving a traveling performance that looks ahead to the need for enhanced straight line stability in the autonomous vehicles of the future. (2) Noise and vibration suppression. Optimized frame structure and stronger joints between parts allow the new platform to improve overall torsional rigidity by 70 over present models. This distributes the resonance and distortion throughout the body, greatly reducing vibrations from the steering wheel, floor, and seats. It achieves a quietness that goes beyond vehicle class. (3) Comfort The new platform increases the rigidity of the suspension mounting, improving the absorption of the suspension without warping the body of the car, and providing a smooth and comfortable drive whatever the irregularities in the road surface. By mounting the rear stabilizer directly to the body, the new platform reduces the body roll of the vehicle by 50 compared to present models. 2 The worlds highest levels of safety Active safety - The new platform achieves a center of gravity that is 5 mm lower than present models. Together with the major improvements in rigidity and the evolution of the suspension system, this lower center of gravity makes possible a more stable driving experience than ever before, and offers outstanding danger avoidance capabilities on a level with a high-performance sports car. Passive safety - Thanks to a frame structure that enables more efficient energy absorption in the event of collision and the enhanced body rigidity resulting from the increased use of high-tensile steel plates including materials formed by the hot press method, impact energy absorption is improved by 40 over present models. The platform anticipates further improvements in strength and new materials and has the potential to continue to offer the worlds highest levels of collision safety even in 2025. Single Design Concept for Development of All Models, Adaptable to Electrification in the Future - The new platform will offer a single unified design concept for all Subaru models. Planning the main specifications of all vehicle types at one time and flexibly adjusting these basic specifications to match with the requirements of different models will strengthen the entire Subaru lineup while still allowing the Company to develop models that take advantage of each models strengths. The new concept allows one design concept to be adapted not only to gasoline engines but also to hybrid vehicles, plug-in hybrids, electric cars, and other types of alternative power units for which demand will increase further. Development based on a single design concept makes it possible to use limited development personnel and facilities efficiently to develop a diverse range of models and to direct the resulting savings into areas that can make our products more competitive. It will also become possible to produce platform components for multiple models in the same one production facility, rather than manufacturing them in different factories as has been the case in the past. This will increase production efficiency at Subarus factories and at our partner companies. The new unified design concept will also make it easier for our two factories in Japan and the Subaru of Indiana Automotive plant in the United States to carry out bridge production of multiple different models on a single line, making our global production system more flexible. The Subaru Global Platform that offers these benefits will be used in the development of all Subaru vehicles from now on, beginning with the next-generation Impreza, due to hit the market in 2016. FHI remains true to its management philosophy - to become a compelling company with a strong market presence on the basis of customer-first policy. The Company will continue to pursue engineering excellence and offer its customers Enjoyment and Peace of Mind to achieve FHISubaru distinctive presence Heres the original press release fhi. co. jppressfileuploadsnews-en0307-Subaru-Global-Platform-en1.pdf Heres an article from Chris Bruce at autoblog Subaru will follow a current industry trend by introducing a modular chassis later this year, and the so-called Subaru Global Platform will underpin all of the Japanese automakers future models. Well see it first on the new Impreza, which will go on sale in the second half of 2016. Subaru claims its new platform offers 70-100 percent greater rigidity compared to the companys current models, and the stiffer chassis means less vibration travels through the vehicle to the steering wheel and seats, which results in an easier time for the driver. A 40-percent increase in impact energy absorption should also mean improved safety. Customers might experience a more exciting drive from the future Subarus, too. The company claims the new platform lowers the center gravity by 0.2 inches, which should sharpen handling. The engineers now mount the rear stabilizer directly to the body, which is said to reduce body roll by 50 percent over current models. It also supports hybrid, plug-in, and EV drivetrains to adapt to the future. After the Impreza lets us experience the Subaru Global Platform later this year, the company already has other models with it under development. For example, the XV Concept from Geneva hints at a sharper look for the next-gen compact crossover. The new WRX reportedly joins the range in 2017 and possibly gets an extra boost from hybrid power. A seven-passenger CUV also joins the US lineup in 2018. So much new product on the way could let Subaru keep up its brisk sales pace for years to come. the article autoblog20160307subaru-global-platform-future-models Heres an article from Automotive News Subaru is embarking on engineering, design and technology overhauls to keep the small-scale, niche brand competitive in a global industry in which high volumes matter like never before. The first two changes will debut in the next-generation Impreza small car arriving in the second half of the year: a new modular platform Subaru says will improve safety and driving performance, and a new design language dubbed Dynamic X Solid to enliven the brands image. After those moves, Subaru will roll out new automated-driving technologies beginning with a traffic-jam autopilot. Yasuyuki Yoshinaga, president of Subaru-maker Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. said the new technologies and design language are pillars of his plan to boost global sales to 1.1 million vehicles in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021. We want to further extend Subarus strengths, Yoshinaga said while unveiling the initiatives at Fuji Heavys headquarters here. The new platform aims to cut costs while improving safety and dynamics. Executives repeatedly said they benchmarked top European brands and compared the new platforms high-speed emergency evasive handling to that of German sports cars. Dubbed the Subaru Global Platform, it will underpin all the brands nameplates. It can accommodate gasoline, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and all-electric drivetrains. Subaru expects to save money because it will be possible to produce components for multiple models at any one factory. This will enable Subaru to shift production among factories in the U. S. and Japan quickly to adjust to changing demand. Subaru can also focus its limited personnel and engineering resources on variations of one platform. The new platform should be able to underpin Subaru vehicles through 2025 with regular improvements, executives said. Subaru aims to channel savings into better performance, said Tetsuo Onuki, vice president of global engineering. The goal is a better product without raising sticker prices, he said. Among the improvements: Body rigidity improves 70 to 100 percent. Center of gravity is lowered for better handling. Collision impact absorption improves 40 percent. Noise and vibration is reduced 15 percent. Starting with the car coming out this year, we will advance to the next level, using the new Subaru Global Platform to provide Subaru with more safety and fun every year, said Naoto Muto, executive vice president for global engineering. More dynamic styling is part of the improvement. The new looks were first explored in the Viziv 2 Concept in 2014 and fleshed out in the Viziv Future Concept crossover and Impreza Concept shown in October at the Tokyo Motor Show. The design language beefs up the stance and body volume to imbue the cars with a more rugged, sporty aura. The front fascia is more chiseled the fender flares are more muscular. Subarus safety strategy also entails new autonomous driving targets based on the brands camera-based EyeSight system. Next year, Subaru will introduce a new traffic-jam assist function that will allow the vehicle to start and stop automatically in slow traffic and steer automatically around curves. Subarus current system requires the driver to re-engage acceleration manually once the vehicle has stopped. Existing technology does not feature automatic steering. By 2020, Subaru said it will introduce a semiautonomous highway driving function. That system will enable automated lane changing and automated steering around curves, by combining radar sensors and GPS mapping with EyeSight. Subaru is relying on the changes to stoke its surging sales for continued gains. Subaru targets its eighth straight year of record sales and ninth year of growth in the U. S. in 2016. U. S. sales are expected to increase 5.5 percent to 615,000 vehicles. the original article autonewsarticle20160312OEM03303149991how-subaru-plans-to-stay-competitive 3916 April advertising campaign. Subaru Loves the Earth 2016 Subaru and the National Wildlife Foundation (NWF) will be working together this April to support the NWFs Butterfly Hero Program highlighting the serious decline in the Monarch butterfly population. The 90 Monarch population drop is huge. I hadnt heard about this before so that you Subaru for focusing on this issue. The Butterfly Hero program encourages planting gardens which support the Monarch and other pollinators. The Monarch caterpillars feed exclusively on the leaves of the Milkweed plant and there are several dozen species of the Milkweed so no matter where you live there is at least one milkweed species naturally found in your area. In Washington State Read much more at nwf. orgPollinatorsMonarchMilkweed-Resources. aspx. Find your Milkweed species at blog. nwf. org201502twelve-native-milkweeds-for-monarchs Even I can plant milkweed and in Washington State and its Showy Milkweed and Mexican Whorled Milkweed More resources. monarchjointventure. orgimagesuploadsdocumentsMilkweedFactSheetFINAL. pdf or plantmilkweed. org 3716 Subaru closes off 2016 Crosstrek Hybrid factory orders effective immediately. Without the usual order cutoff warning a few weeks given a few weeks in advance, Subaru today (3716) announced they wont be accepting any more orders for the 16 Crosstrek Hybrid. Orders for the other Crosstrek models will continue to be accepted. No reason for the sudden and unexpected cutoff was given, but this will allow the factory to build more of the fast selling Crosstreks. 35 advertising 2015 Share The Love (STL) results from November 19, 2015 - January 2, 2016 Subaru donated 250 for each car purchased to the buyers choice of charities. The 5 charities to choose from were ASPCA, National Parks Foundation, Meals On Wheels, Make-a-Wish, and the 5th charity was a local organization chosen by each dealership. The 2015 STL results total 18,999,884, 24 increase over 15,353,281 in 2014s STL 1 local charities chosen by the dealers 10,441,516, 2 Make-A-Wish 2,808,911 3 ASPCA 2,565,459 4 Meals-On-Wheels 1,655,521 5 National Parks Foundation 1,528,437 3216 February sales 42,011 for the month, 653 cars more than 41,358 February 2015. 24th month with sales over 40,0000 51st month with a monthly increase over the previous year Up for the month: Forester, Outback, Legacy, BRZ, WRXSTI Down for the month: Crosstrek, Impreza, February 2016 by model Forester 12,239, compared to 11,489 215 Outback 11,952 compared to 11,632 215 Crosstrek 6,129 compared to 6,406 215 Legacy 4,454 compared to 4,342 215 Impreza 4,432, compared to 4,826 215 WRX, STI 2,380, compared to 2,359 215 BRZ 425, compared to 334 215 22416 Buyers of a Certified car with Starlink get a free year of Safety Plus , This is just like a new car buyer, and they also have the same 180 days to extend it at a discounted price. The dealer will activate at time of purchase. 215 Subaru rack accessories to be supplied by Thule, replacing Yakima. Starting this spring. 2916 new Crosstrek Premium Special Edition (SE) available late spring, all are Pure Red To be shown at the Chicago auto show Feb 13-21 1,500 to be made Pure Red color (not the standard Venetian red) Cloth interior with red stitching on the shift knob, door panels, and steering wheel. Red accented dash trim CVT transmission Includes Moonroof, Pushbutton Start, Blind Spot DetectionCross traffic alert, front footwell and front console storage bin red LED lighting, Turn signal outside mirrors, The SE will have the standard 6.2 audio system (not the 7 navigation system). Prices and details to be announced 2016 Crosstrek specs 2316 January sales, and its set a new record for January totals. its more impressive considering the record December (best month ever) which should have pulled some sale from January January 2016 total is 41,101 total compared to 40,812 for January 2015 Up for the month - Forester, Legacy, BRZ and Impreza sales were up slightly over January 2015 Down for the month - Outback, Crosstrek, and WRXSTI were down slightly from January 2015 By model 1 Forester 11904 116, compared to 11,210 115 2 Outback 11,197 116, compared to 11,351 115 3 Crosstrek 6,448 116, compared to 6,513 115 4 Legacy 4,473 116, compared to 3,881 115 Impreza 4,382 116, compared to 5,096 115 WRX, STI 2,336 116, compared to 2,431 115 BRZ 361 116, compared to 330 115. These low BRZ numbers remind me of the Tribecas final lingering months. Its barely worth making 300 or so cars, but then theres the Scion FRS to figure in. I understand there will be a special yellow BRZ coming - no details yet 12616 2 015 AAASSubaru SBampF Prize for Excellence in Science Books Four groundbreaking books that present scientific information in innovative ways to young audiences have earned the 2015 AAASSubaru SBampF Prize for Excellence in Science Books. Each of the winners invites readers to explore their own world or to prepare themselves to explore other worlds. One introduces the world of microbes to the very youngest readers, while another connects the exploration of the physical world to the medical advances of the last century. A third trains the astronauts who will be the first humans to set foot on Mars, and the fourth shows youngsters how to explore the environment through the eyes of a naturalist. AAAS and Subaru of America, Inc. co-sponsor the prizes to recognize recently published works that are scientifically sound and foster an understanding and appreciation of science in readers of all ages. This years prizes which promote science literacy by showcasing the importance of outstanding science writing and illustration recognize the work of four authors as well as an illustrator. AAAS is pleased to join with Subaru to celebrate these outstanding science books and authors, said Alan I. Leshner, chief executive officer of AAAS and executive publisher of its journals, Science, Science Advances, Science Translational Medicine, and Science Signaling. By encouraging young people to engage with the world through exploration and discovery, the winning books help lay the groundwork for a lifelong relationship with science. The 2015 prizes recognize efforts in four categories: Childrens Science Picture Books, Middle Grades Science Books, Young Adult Science Books, and Hands-on Science Books. Winners will receive 1,500 and a plaque on 13 February during the 2015 AAAS Annual Meeting in San Jose, California. Tom Doll, president of Subaru of America, Inc. congratulated the winners for their outstanding contribution to science writing and illustration. As a technology company, we are delighted to be able to support AAAS in activities that promote childrens exploration of science and technology, he said. The prizes are administered by the AAAS review journal, Science Books amp Films (SBampF). SBampF editor-in-chief Maria Sosa noted that the 180 books considered for the prize across all four categories represented the largest number of submissions since the programs inception. This years competition was intense, she said. Publishers and authors have certainly upped their game with this years offerings. It bodes well for the integration of reading and science in formal and informal science education. These books make it easier to connect the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Common Core Standards, said Shirley M. Malcom, head of the AAAS Directorate for Education and Human Resources. These books provide solid science information in really enjoyable packages. Its refreshing to be able to avoid the tradeoff between reading for pleasure and pleasurable reading for information The 2015 prize recipients are: WINNING CHILDRENS SCIENCE PICTURE BOOK - Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes, by Nicola Davies. (Illustrations by Emily Sutton.) Somerville, MA: Candlewick, 2014. WINNING MIDDLE GRADES SCIENCE BOOK - Mission: Mars by Pascal Lee. NY: Scholastic, 2013. WINNING YOUNG ADULT SCIENCE BOOK - Extreme Medicine: How Exploration Transformed Medicine in the Twentieth Century by Kevin Fong. NY: The Penguin Press, 2014. WINNING HANDS-ON SCIENCE BOOK - The Kids Guide to Exploring Nature by Brooklyn Botanic Educators. (Edited by Sarah Schmidt.) NY: Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 2014 Background on the Prizes The prizes began in 2005 when four lifetime achievement awards were given to authors of childrens science books. It honored authors whose books promoted science literacy. Today, the AAASSubaru SBampF Prize for Excellence in Science Books continues to recognize stand-out science books. Finalists were selected by a group of judges made up of librarians, scientists, and science literacy experts. Out of nearly 180 books up for consideration across all four categories, the judges selected 13 finalists. These finalists were then submitted to a second round of judging, and the winners were selected. the press release 12216 advertising Subaru a sponsor of Portlandia with Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein. Portlandia creators and stars Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein have teamed up with longtime partner Subaru for a four-part Web series tied to their hit IFC show. In Talkative Driver, Armisen plays an unusually chatty car service driver discussing his every thought with increasingly impatient passengers. Subaru, which has been a partner since the debut of Portlandia in 2011, has been integrated into the show since Season 2. This year we wanted to evolve the partnership a little bit, said Blake Callaway, evp of marketing and digital media at IFC. So we went to the writers room and created this first standalone Web series. In addition to the Web series, which people can watch on IFCs website, Subaru will continue to be integrated in the satirical sketch comedys sixth season. Dos Equis will also come on board, and Geico returns for a so-called near-show integration. the article 114 Starlink app and navigation press release from SEMA auto show in Las Vegas. Magellan SmartGPS Navigation to Power Future Subaru Vehicles Equipped with the Subaru Starlink Platform Powered by Clarions Smart Access System January 4, Las Vegas, NV Magellans SmartGPS navigation has been selected to be included with Subaru vehicles featuring the Subaru Starlink platform. The Subaru Starlink infotainment systems, available in Subaru vehicles, utilize Clarions advanced Smart Access cloud connectivity platform to seamlessly sync and control cloud-based applications directly through the infotainment systems screen, providing immediate access to Magellans SmartGPS navigation. Designed to support both Apple iOS and Android smartphones, the Subaru Starlink app brings continuously updated cloud applications to the vehicles center stack display. Drivers can then access all Starlink approved apps and services effortlessly, including Magellans SmartGPS, allowing for safe access and display on the vehicles touch panel. Magellan SmartGPS navigation will be available on future Subaru models. SmartGPS Navigation Software Magellans SmartGPS navigation iOS and Android apps for connected car bring Magellans proven smartphone navigation to Subaru vehicles by connecting to the Subaru Starlink platform. The SmartGPS navigation app provides a voice-guided full navigation. As a GPS industry pioneer, Magellans navigation and routing engines have been developed and proven through years of RampD and testing. Magellan is honored that its SmartGPS navigation has been selected by a company as innovative and well-known as Subaru to be the GPS navigation solution for its future vehicles, commented Pierre Parent, President of Magellan. This partnership gives Subaru customers access to our award winning navigation, which provides added value to Subarus award winning vehicles. Magellans SmartGPS navigation for Subaru will use an advanced cloud-based mapping solution. This ensures customers that their maps for GPS navigation are never outdated. Using a STARLINK phone app to connect to the dash, Subaru customers can safely and easily use their Magellan SmartGPS navigation app on the infotainment touch panel. Magellan has been a great partner throughout the process of us working together to bring their premium navigation solution to Subarus Starlink platform, stated Allen H. Gharapetian, Vice President of Marketing amp Product Planning for Clarion Corporation of America. We only provide the finest and most innovative solutions to our key customers such as Subaru so we feel confident that Magellans SmartGPS navigation apps will be an excellent addition to the Subaru STARLINK platform powered by Clarions Smart Access. the orginal press release 11016 oil consumption lawsuit settlement proposed Some Subarus use oil. Its true. This is an industry problem, its not just Subaru. Check out the article Consumer Reports did on this issue last June (read the CR article ). The oil consumption (notice its not oil burning) seems to be related to the use of lighter 0w-20 oil in low friction engines that allow some of the oil to be forced by the rings. Its not smelly blue smoke coming out the back and it doesnt seem to be clogging catalytic converters (or at least I havent heard), its just evaporating. It becomes a problem when engines use a quart every 1000-2000 miles or so. Engines use some oil, they always have, and when we changed oil every 3 months or 3000 miles it wasnt as noticeable as it is now that the interval is 6 months or 6000 miles. The low friction engines are designed for improved economy and more power because the engine itself requires less power to keep itself running (low friction turns over easier). progress and new technologies bring both new improvements and new problems. Im not an automotive engineer but this simple explanation seems somewhat reasonable. Engines that are driven harder with fast starts, or with higher compression such as manual transmissions that are revved up or downshifted to slow down, seem to use more oil. Subaru certainly is aware of the problem and is working to resolve it. Check your oil every 2 or 3 gas station visits for example - on flat ground, and after the engine sits while you pump the gas - and if you think youre using oil, contact your dealer and they will start an oil consumption test. updated 24 models included in the settlement include some but not all 2011-2014 Forester CVT transmission 2011-2015 Forester manual transmission 2012-2013 Impreza CVT transmission 2012-2015 Impreza manual transmission 2013 Crosstrek CVT transmission 2013-2015 crosstrek manual transmission 2013 Outback CVT transmission 2013-2014 Outback manual transmission 2013 Legacy CVT transmission 2013-2014 Legacy manual transmission 11 016 Heres the article on the proposed class action settlement Subaru of America has agreed to settle a class action accusing it of knowingly selling cars that have a defect causing them to burn excessive amounts of oil. Subaru has agreed to extend warranties on affected vehicles, and reimburse vehicle owners for expenses related to the defect. On Jan. 4, the lead plaintiffs asked the court to approve this preliminary settlement. This proposed settlement will provide most class members with as much or more compensation as they may have obtained had this case proceeded through certification and trial, the lead plaintiffs assert. The original class action lawsuit filed by lead plaintiffs Keith Yeager and Michael Schuler alleged that Subaru knew that certain models of vehicles had defective piston rings that would cause extra oil to burn off the engine. According to the class action lawsuit, Subaru did not tell consumers about the oil burning defect, and that deception caused car owners to spend considerable money on extra engine oil, but also on engine repairs trying to fix the underlying problem. In addition, the class action lawsuit claims that Subaru improperly denied many warranty repairs, and then, more recently, secretly changed the scope of its warranty coverage without telling affected drivers. Since the original filing, seven other named plaintiffs have been added to the Subaru class action lawsuit, alleging the same defect in different model vehicles and states. To settle the oil burning defect class action lawsuit, Subaru has agreed to increase the warranty on vehicles with the defect from the original 5-year 60,000-mile warranty, to an 8-year 100,000-mile warranty. In addition, Subaru has agreed to compensate vehicle owners for the following expenses: (i) vehicle repairs (including parts and labor) (ii) rental cars (iii) towing and (iv) the purchase of up to six quarts of oil per vehicle. Subaru has agreed to pay 100 of those costs, if claimants can provide reasonable proof of their expenses. Finally, Subaru has agreed to provide a free oil consumption test as well as TSB repairs for any owners or leasers of defective vehicles. The Subaru oil burning defect lawsuit is asking the court to certify a Class of all current or former owners or lessors of defective Subaru models originally purchased or leased in the continental United States and Alaska. Notice of the settlement will be mailed directly to Class Members, who will have to file claims to receive compensation. The actual Subaru models that are part of the potential settlement and details on the claim filing process were not immediately available. Keep checking TopClassActions or sign up for our free newsletter for the latest updates. You can also mark this article as a Favorite using your free Top Class Actions account to receive notifications when this article is updated. The plaintiffs are represented by Matthew D. Schelkopf and Jospeh G. Sauder of Chimicles amp Tikellis LLP, Eric H. Gibbs, Dylan Hughes, and David Stein of Girard Gibbs LLP, and Richard D. McCune, Jae K. Kim, and Michele M. Vercoski of McCune Wright, LLP. the original article topclassactionslawsuit-settlementslawsuit-news297643-subaru-settles-oil-burning-class-action-lawsuit 162016 2015 ends with a surge in sales and the best month ever with a new record of 56,274 cars sold, an increase of 6,351 13 over the previous best of 53,070 September 2015. For the record. Subaru sold 48,928 cars in 1976, 183,242 in 1986, sales dropped in the early 1990s but recovered to 120,748 cars in 1996, they sold 200,703 in 2006, and now theyre poised to break 600,000 in 2016 December sales by model 1 Forester - 16,797 Dec 2015 compared to 15,163 1214. 2 Outback - 16,067 Dec 2015 compared to 14,772 1214 3 Crosstrek - 8,090 Dec 2015 compared to 5,482 1214 4 Impreza - 6,059 Dec 2015 compared to 5,808 1214 5 Legacy - 5,759 Dec 2015 compared to 5,457 1214 6 WRXSTI - 3,089 Dec 2015 compared to 2,812 1214 7 BRZ - 412 Dec 2015 compared to 416 1214 2 015 total sales 582,675. Thats an increase of 68,982 or 13 over 2014 total sales 513,693 It was a great year to be Subaru. Subarus share of the total U. S market is now around 3.3 Sales of all models is up up up except the rear wheel drive Scion FRSSubaru BRZ clone. 60 of sales are to buyers new to Subaru Marketing love love love and dogs dogs dogs works. And all the positive reviews. some days it seems Subaru can do no wrong. Now Subaru has to keep these new buyers from drifting to yet another brand when it again comes time for a new car. Subaru can help create loyalty gt the first two oil changes and one tire rotation and 1 new cabin air filter should be included free with every purchase. gt Subarus come with a 3 year36,000 mile roadside warranty, and that service should be extended to cover any other Subarus in the owners name. gt Subaru GTP guaranteed trade program is offered on cars up to 6 years from date of sale, and they could extend that to 8 years to keep older car owners from trying another brand gt loyalty incentives to repeat buyers that can be as simple as a Subaru jacket or something similar, a free 2 year maintenanceoil change program, perhaps a small price or interest rate discount. Crosstreks continue to be the hard to find, an overnight success 3 years after its 2013 model introduction. The new 2016 models 7 upgraded audio and blind spot detection has of course been getting people to take a 2nd look. The base 2.0i and Premium model 6.2 audio system is disappointing. The top selling 2016 Foresters upgraded 7 audio system on all except 2.5i base model, has helped the Forester compete with the 2 selling 2016 Outbacks blind spot detection. The Forester retains the classic straight-forward utility, functionality and safety of the Subarus that helped establish the companys current reputation. It may be square but it works Outback with current safety technology (seat cushion airbags, upgraded eyesight, blind spot detection) and a comfortable, quiet ride is now a car people aspire to. The 2016 WRX and STI are, as always, strong cult favorites, despite missing a 5 door hatchback version since the 2014 model. The WRX CVT is a good compromise for the performance buyer who doesnt want to shift. While the paddle shifters work, they should be made a little more responsive, with a crisper shift response. The Impreza, first offered in 1993, still does well even with competition from its higher sitting Impreza Crosstrek sibling. or perhaps its because of the Crosstrek. Can we say that those early Impreza hatchbacks were the first mini-utes The BRZ is a beautiful car, especially the Premium model which has clean, classic lines without the fussy rear spoiler on the Limited. But its a rear wheel drive car in an all-wheel-drive world and sales continue to drop year after year from the high of 8587 cars sold its first full year (2013 model). I wonder how long Subaru will continue to make it (the answer is. as long as Toyota wants to buy and market them as Scion FRSs) 2015 total sales by model 1 Forester 175,192 for the year, which is an increase of 15,293 or 10 over 2014 159.953 2 Outback 152,294 for the year, which is an increase of 13,504 or 10 over2014 138,790 3 Crosstrek 88,927 for the year, which is an increase of 17,971 or 25 over 2014 70,956 4 Impreza 66,785 for the year, which is an increase of 8789 or 15 over 2014 57, 996 5 Legacy 60,447 for the year, which is an increase of 8177 or 16 2014 52,270 6 WRXSTI 33,734 for the year, which is an increase of 8242 or 32 over 2014 25,492 7 BRZ 5,296 for the year, which is a decrease of 2208 or -29 from 2014 7504 1214 Subaru Ambassador Program grows Subaru supports enthusiasts with the Subaru Ambassador Program begun early this year. Ambassadors are expected to spread the word at their local events, clubs, meetings, forums etc. Ambassadors will get a variety of Subaru gifts to hand out at these events, including discount coupons. Get more information here subaruambassador Did you know Subaru makes small engine and portable home generators Parent company Fuji also has Robin America with l engines for lawnmowers, jets skies, generators etc. They make Subaru generators including quiet inverter ones. Subaru generators This website is happily created and maintained by Joe Spitz, selling Subarus since 1996 in the Seattle - Puget Sound and greater Northwest area including Idaho, Montana, California, Oregon, Alaska. This independent unauthorized website is not approved or supported by any dealer or by Subaru. There is no advertising. If you like the site, please tell friends, mention it online. Yes, you can Buy a Subaru from me I check Inventory I Contact I my schedule I about I customers say join me on facebook. linked-in. twitter. All photos, text, formatting J. Spitz 1996-2016, Unauthorized reproduction prohibited 1.1.17 Disclaimer, Privacy, my other site is usedbooks101 Lowest Discount best Subaru car prices and bargains on new Outback, Forester, Impreza, Legacy, and Tribeca. Serving Seattle, Ballard, Magnolia, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Lake Forest Park, Mount Lake Terrace, Everett, Bellevue, Sammamish, North Bend, Duval, Redmond, Bellingham, Renton, Olympia, Auburn, Puyallup, Tacoma, Marysville, Monroe, Skagit, Bremerton, Bainbridge Island, Shoreline, Edmonds, Mukilteo, Lynnwood, Kingston, Poulsbo, Port Angles, Port Townsend, Sequim, Forks, Ocean Shores, Aberdeen, Wenatchee, Ellensburg, Vancouver, Spokane, Pullman, Tri-cities, Walla-Walla, Kennewick, Chehalis, Centralia, Longview, Coeur DAlene, Moscow, Portland, Beaverton, Gresham, Astoria, Bend, Eugene, Ashland, Salem, Hermiston, The Dalles, Missoula, Kalispell, Flathead, Bozeman, Butte, Boise, Ketchikan, Anchorage, Juneau, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Napa, Eureka, Shasta, Weed, Lake Tahoe, Grass Valley, Mendocino, Washington State, Oregon, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, California. Discounted prices for Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Amgen, Apple, Paccar, Weyerhauser, Safeco, Boeing, Starbucks, Costco, Sams Club, PCC Puget Sound Co-op, UW, Washington State, Childrens Swedish Harborview Stevens University Providence Hospitals, Fred Hutch CRC, Boeing Credit Union, BECU, Washington State Employees Credit Union, WSECU, Alaska Federal Credit Union. Are you a member of ASPCA, Guardian program, PSIA, IMBA, AASI, ASHA, Prime, Perks or Passport Card Programs, SAM Seattle Art Museum, MoF Museum of Flight, Are you a teacher, veterinarian, medical doctor. Links a full page of all sorts of links Import a pre-owned lightly used Subaru into Canada, British Columbia BC, Alberta AB, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Victoria, Surrey, Jasper, Red Deer, Kelowna, North Vancouver, Sherwood Park, Coquitlam, Richmond, Salmon Arm. I Collect Books - mystery, fiction, autobiographies, signed 1st editions. If you have books for sale please call. If you are in the market for a new or used Subaru or any brand of used vehicle and live in the Puget Sound area, I have excellent deals Im responsible for content and have tried to provide the initial information so you can determine your interest in Subarus from the comfort of your home or work. the car for all the right seasons a Subaru of course

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